首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Shellfish Research >The potential role of freshwater mussels in reducing Giardia and otherhuman pathogens in watersheds of the Pacific northwest

The potential role of freshwater mussels in reducing Giardia and otherhuman pathogens in watersheds of the Pacific northwest


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Freshwater mussels were abundant in rivers of the Pacific Northwest and were an important source of nutrition for many Native Americans in pre-European times. Since then, populations of freshwater mussels have declined. Habitat changes, pollution and declines in salmon (an important upstream transport vector of larval stages) are likely causes. These declines will result in a reduction in the filtering capacity of mussel populations and removal of suspended sediments and organisms, including the human pathogens Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium parvum. Laboratory studies showed that adult (91-127 mm shell length) freshwater mussels (Margaritifera falcata) filtered mice-derived Giradia (G. muris) at rates of 0.49 1 h super(-1) g super(-1) mussel dry weight. In addition, mussels filtered microalgae [Schizochytrium sp.; in the same size range as G. duodenalis (2.7-7.1 mu m)] at rates of 0.39 to 0.411 h super(-1) g super(-1) dry weight. The filtering action of mussels could be an important natural mechanism for reducing concentrations of human pathogens in streams and rivers.
机译:淡水贻贝在西北太平洋的河流中丰富,是欧洲前时期许多美洲原住民的重要营养来源。从那以后,淡水贻贝的数量下降了。鲑鱼的栖息地变化,污染和减少(幼体阶段的重要上游运输媒介)可能是原因。这些下降将导致贻贝种群的过滤能力下降,并除去悬浮的沉积物和生物,其中包括人类病原体贾第鞭毛虫和小隐孢子虫。实验室研究表明,成年(壳长91-127毫米)淡水贻贝(Margaritifera falcata)以0.49 1 h super(-1)g super(-1)贻贝干重的速率过滤了小鼠衍生的Giradia(G. muris)。另外,贻贝过滤微藻[Schizochytrium sp .;大小与G. duodenalis(2.7-7.1μm)相同,以0.39至0.411 h super(-1)g super(-1)干重的速率。贻贝的过滤作用可能是减少溪流和河流中人类病原体浓度的重要自然机制。



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