首页> 外文期刊>Journal of quaternary science: JQS >Late Holocene vertical land motion and relative sea-level changes: Lessons from the British Isles

Late Holocene vertical land motion and relative sea-level changes: Lessons from the British Isles


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Vertical land motion caused by continuing glacial isostatic adjustment is one of several important components of sea-level change and is not limited just to previously glaciated regions. A national-scale analysis for the British Isles shows an ellipse of present-day relative uplift (relative sea-level fall), ~1.2mm a ~(-1), broadly centred on the deglaciated mountains of Scotland. The pattern of three foci of relative subsidence, ~1mm a ~(-1), results from the additional interactions of the deglacial meltwater load on the Atlantic basin and the continental shelf, and the signal due to far-field ice sheets. At a local scale, sediment compaction can more than double the rate of relative land subsidence. Relative land-level change (the negative of relative sea-level change) is not the same as vertical land motion. There is a spatial pattern in the difference between relative land-level change and vertical land motion, with differences at present of approximately -0.1 to -0.3mm a ~(-1) around the British Isles and +2.5 to -1.5mm a ~(-1) globally. For the wider scientific and user community, whether or not the differences are considered significant will depend upon the location, time frame and spatial scale of the study that uses such information.
机译:由持续的冰川等静压调节引起的垂直陆地运动是海平面变化的几个重要组成部分之一,不仅限于以前的冰川地区。全国范围内对不列颠群岛的分析显示,当今相对隆起(相对海平面下降)的椭圆形为〜1.2mm a〜(-1),大致集中在苏格兰的冰山上。相对沉陷的三个震源的模式为〜1mm a〜(-1),这是由于大西洋盆地和大陆架上的冰川融水负荷的附加相互作用以及远场冰原引起的信号所致。在局部范围内,泥沙淤积可以使相对地面沉降的速度增加一倍以上。相对陆地高度变化(相对海平面变化的负值)与垂直陆地运动不同。相对土地高度变化与垂直土地运动之间存在差异的空间格局,目前不列颠群岛周围的差异约为-0.1至-0.3mm a〜(-1),而差异约为+2.5至-1.5mm a〜 (-1)全球。对于更广泛的科学界和用户界,差异是否被认为是重要的,将取决于使用此类信息的研究的位置,时间范围和空间规模。



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