首页> 外文期刊>Journal of radiological protection: Official journal of the Society for Radiological Protection >Studies at Dounreay on the repopulation of offshore sediments by hot particles

Studies at Dounreay on the repopulation of offshore sediments by hot particles


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Since 2000, much of the effort of diving surveys offshore of Dounreay to locate the presence of radioactive particles in the seabed sediments has been directed to a programme of repopulation studies, in which selected areas of the seabed have been surveyed a number of times and cleared of identified particles on each occasion. This work has led to an understanding of the distribution of particles within the seabed off Dounreay. The two-population model originally proposed by Atkinson ( 2001 UKAEA Document reference 000052) and further refined into three populations by Clayton and Atkinson ( 2002 UKAEA Document PSG Issue Note ( 02) 33) has been substantially confirmed by the extended data set now available. It is apparent that the upper layers of the seabed sediments, containing a population of particles, are essentially mobile. These sediments migrate over the seabed driven by tidal wave and surge induced seabed currents, recontaminating areas which have been previously cleared of particles. The number of particles present in this layer at any given location has not been effectively reduced by the removal of particles over the years, nor has the distribution of activity within this population varied significantly. The highest concentration of particles, and the most active, reside close to and to the northeast of the effluent diffuser outfall. Particle numbers and their activity decrease with distance from the diffuser, and the rate of decrease is significantly greater to the southwest compared to the northeast. By contrast, there is evidence that the population of particles retained in the deeper sediments has changed significantly as a result of the repopulation surveys. Close to the diffuser, the population of particles identified at depth during initial surveys is high and contains significantly more highly active particles than are found in the surface sediments. It is also evident that once the deeper sediments are cleared of particles, the level of repopulation of these sediments over time is substantially reduced. There is little mixing of the more deeply buried sediments.
机译:自2000年以来,在Dounreay近海进行的许多潜水调查工作旨在确定海床沉积物中放射性粒子的存在,已将其用于重新种群研究计划,该计划已对海床的选定区域进行了多次调查并进行了清理。每种情况下确定的颗粒数。这项工作使人们对杜伦(Dounreay)附近海底内的颗粒分布有了了解。最初由Atkinson(2001 UKAEA文件参考000052)提出并由Clayton和Atkinson(2002 UKAEA文件PSG问题注释(02)33)进一步细分为三个人口的模型已被现有的扩展数据集充分证实。显然,包含大量颗粒的海底沉积物的上层基本上是可移动的。这些沉积物在潮汐和浪涌引起的海底流的驱动下在海底上迁移,污染了先前已清除颗粒的区域。多年来,没有通过去除颗粒来有效减少该层中任何给定位置上存在的颗粒数量,并且该种群中活性的分布也没有明显变化。浓度最高,活性最高的颗粒位于污水扩散器出口附近或东北。粒子数量及其活动性随着与扩散器距离的增加而降低,并且与东北地区相比,西南地区的降低率明显更大。相比之下,有证据表明,由于人口调查的结果,保留在较深沉积物中的颗粒数量发生了显着变化。靠近扩散器的地方,在初始勘测期间在深处识别出的颗粒数量很高,并且含有比在表面沉积物中发现的高得多的活性颗粒。同样明显的是,一旦清除了较深的沉积物的颗粒,这些沉积物随时间的重新聚集水平就会大大降低。深埋的沉积物几乎没有混合。



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