首页> 外文期刊>Journal of quaternary science: JQS >Vegetation sensitivity to climate changes and human impact in the Harghita Mountains (Eastern Romanian Carpathians) over the past 15 000 years

Vegetation sensitivity to climate changes and human impact in the Harghita Mountains (Eastern Romanian Carpathians) over the past 15 000 years


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Although few compared with Western Europe, continental records from Central-Eastern Europe are increasingly confirming that rapid climate fluctuations of the past 15 000 years are also present in records situated far from the North Atlantic region. In the present study a new pollen record supported by 11 AMS 14C dates, from Luci (Eastern Romanian Carpathians), was used to reconstruct the Lateglacial and Holocene vegetation history of the region, and the sensitivity to past climate change and human impact. The results showed that vegetation composition reacted particularly sensitively to the climatic oscillations that occurred during the Aller?d (13 800 cal a BP), the Younger Dryas (YD) and at the transition from the YD to the Holocene (11 700 cal a BP), although smaller amplitude vegetation changes also occurred at ca. 14 700 cal a BP (Greenland Interstadial (GI)-1e; B?lling), 13 900 cal a BP (GI1-d; Older Dryas) and 13 200 cal a BP (GI-1b; intra-Aller?d cooling). However, the amplitude of vegetation response in the continental part of Europe was smaller as compared with the records from Greenland and the North Atlantic region. The Holocene began with the expansion of Betula, Ulmus and Picea abies, followed by Fraxinus, Quercus, Tilia and Corylus avellana from about 10 000 cal a BP when the climate became warmer and drier. Picea abies has been the dominant tree species for almost the entire Holocene period. The spread of Carpinus betulus occurred at ca. 5800 cal a BP, with maximum values between 5100 and 3100 cal a BP, while Fagus sylvatica spread at ca. 3100 cal a BP and attained maximum values between 2800 and 200 cal a BP. However, during the last 200 years, Fagus sylvatica and Picea abies forests have largely been replaced by Pinus. Human impact in the area is noted from ca. 4200 cal a BP onwards but it is expressed rather weakly until 1200 cal a BP, and primarily relates to forest clearance and grazing.
机译:尽管与西欧相比很少,但中东欧的大陆记录越来越证实,过去15000年的快速气候波动也出现在远离北大西洋地区的记录中。在本研究中,来自露西(东部罗马尼亚喀尔巴阡山脉)的由11个AMS 14C日期支持的新花粉记录用于重建该地区的晚冰川和全新世植被历史,以及对过去气候变化和人类影响的敏感性。结果表明,植被组成对Aller?d(13 800 cal a BP),Younger Dryas(YD)以及从YD到全新世过渡(11 700 cal a BP)期间发生的气候振荡特别敏感。 ),虽然较小的幅度植被变化也发生在约。 14700 cal a BP(格陵兰岛际(GI)-1e; Billing),13900 cal a BP(GI1-d; Old Dryas)和13200 cal a BP(GI-1b;内部Aller?d冷却) 。但是,与格陵兰和北大西洋地区的记录相比,欧洲大陆部分的植被响应幅度较小。全新世始于Betula,Ulmus和Picea abies的扩张,随后是大约10,000 bp BP的水曲柳,栎,栎,紫and和榛子。在整个全新世时期,云杉都是主要的树种。 Carpinus betulus的传播发生在大约5800 cal BP,最大值介于5100和3100 cal BP之间,而Fagus sylvatica的传播频率约为。 3100 cal BP,达到2800到200 cal a BP之间的最大值。然而,在过去的200年中,樟子松(Fagus sylvatica)和云杉(Picea abies)森林在很大程度上被松树(Pinus)所取代。大约从2007年开始,人们注意到该地区对人类的影响。 4200 cal BP开始,但是直到1200 cal a BP才表达得很微弱,主要与森林砍伐和放牧有关。



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