
Work place air particulate monitoring of automobile workshops for public health and safety


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Twenty-eight pairs of coarse and fine air particulate samples were collected in front of an automotive workshop located at Tasmasipabad on Chaklala Road in Rawalpindi using a Gent sampler and polycarbonate filters. These samples were collected during the period; 7th to 27th of April 2009. The gravimetric data (PM_(2.5) and PM_(10)) were obtained for these samples and were found to exceed the Pakistani standards. Black carbon (BC) was also determined using reflectance measurements and it was found that BC contributed significantly more to the fine mass than to the coarse fraction; i.e. ~10 to ~3 %, respectively. This is not surprising as soot is emitted by combustion processes and is usually found in the fine particulate mass. Using instrumental neutron activation analysis technique all 28 pairs of filters were analyzed for >30 elements. Major elements, in the coarse mass fraction, include Al, K, Fe, Sr, Na, and Zn implying soil as the major source while BC was found to be a higher contributor of PM_(2.5). An episode of high PM_(2.5) was observed on the 18th of April 2009. Back trajectory analysis showed that the air mass originated from the Middle East where a dust storm was in progress over Iraq.
机译:使用Gent采样器和聚碳酸酯过滤器,在拉瓦尔品第Chaklala Road的Tasmasipabad的汽车车间前收集了28对粗颗粒和细颗粒的空气样品。在此期间收集了这些样品; 2009年4月7日至27日。获得了这些样品的重量数据(PM_(2.5)和PM_(10)),并发现其超过了巴基斯坦的标准。还使用反射率测量法测定了黑碳(BC),发现BC对细粒的贡献远大于对粗粒的贡献。即分别为〜10%〜〜3%。这并不奇怪,因为烟尘是通过燃烧过程散发出来的,并且通常存在于细颗粒中。使用仪器中子活化分析技术,分析了所有28对过滤器中的> 30个元素。在粗质量分数中,主要元素包括Al,K,Fe,Sr,Na和Zn,这暗示着土壤是主要来源,而BC被发现是PM_(2.5)的主要来源。 2009年4月18日,观测到PM_(2.5)升高的事件。反向轨迹分析显示,空气质量来自中东,那里正在沙尘暴席卷伊拉克。



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