
Removal of potassium from tuberous root vegetables by leaching.


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OBJECTIVES: To determine analytically the amount of potassium in raw tuberous root vegetables (TRV); to estimate the amount of potassium that can be leached from raw TRV by soaking in water; and to determine whether the duration of soaking and the cooking method selected affect potassium extraction. DESIGN: Fresh TRV (ie, fresh and sweet batata, cocomalanga, dasheen, eddo, black yam, white yam, yellow yam, yampi, malanga, red yautia, white yautia, and yuca) were obtained from an ethnic market. Five experimental conditions with variations in soak time and cooking method were applied. Potassium was extracted from the ash of dried samples. The potassium content of aqueous extractions was determined through atomic absorption spectrophotometry. RESULTS: Mean potassium content was highest in raw cocomalanga and lowest in raw dasheen. All of the raw TRV, except for dasheen, had a potassium content >200 mg (5.1 mEq)/100 g sample. Soaking was not effective in the leaching of significant amounts of potassium from most TRV. The double cooking (DC) method (ie, boil, rinse, boil again) leached more potassium from most TRV than did the normal cooking (NC) method (ie, boil), except with dasheen and yellow yam. More vegetables retained a potassium content >200 mg (5.1 mEq)/100 g following NC versus DC (92% versus 54%). CONCLUSIONS: The potassium content of raw TRV varied considerably, with most tubers retaining a moderate or high potassium content following the leaching procedures. However, this study showed that DC appears to be more effective than NC for leaching potassium from TRV.
机译:目的:通过分析确定块根类蔬菜中的钾含量;估计可以通过浸入水中从原始TRV中浸出的钾的量;并确定浸泡时间和选择的烹饪方法是否会影响钾的提取。设计:从一个民族市场获得新鲜的TRV(即新鲜和甜的batata,cocomalanga,dasheen,eddo,黑薯,白薯,黄薯,yampi,马兰加,红yautia,白yautia和yuca)。应用了五个在浸泡时间和烹饪方法上有所不同的实验条件。从干燥样品的灰中提取钾。水萃取液中的钾含量通过原子吸收分光光度法测定。结果:平均钴含量在生可可粉中最高,在生鲜中最低。除了破破烂烂的其他所有TRV外,钾含量> 200 mg(5.1 mEq)/ 100 g样品。浸泡不能有效地从大多数TRV中浸出大量钾。双重蒸煮(DC)方法(即煮沸,漂洗,再次煮沸)从大多数TRV中浸出的钾比常规蒸煮(NC)方法(即煮沸)中的钾含量更高,但使用的是山药和黄薯。与DC相比,更多蔬菜中的钾含量> 200 mg(5.1 mEq)/ 100 g(92%vs 54%)。结论:原始TRV的钾含量变化很大,大多数块茎在浸出过程后保持中等或高钾含量。但是,这项研究表明,DC从TRV中浸出钾似乎比NC更有效。



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