首页> 外文期刊>Journal of palliative medicine >Antiemetics for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting occurring despite prophylactic antiemetic therapy.

Antiemetics for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting occurring despite prophylactic antiemetic therapy.


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BACKGROUND: Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) is a debilitating side effect. Previous studies have primarily focused on prophylactic therapy, but no published reports have evaluated the treatment of breakthrough CINV. METHODS: A prospective, pilot study was performed to provide preliminary prospective evidence of the efficacy of individual agents prescribed for the treatment of breakthrough CINV. Enrolled patients were receiving moderately or highly emetogenic chemotherapy and prophylactic treatment of CINV based on antiemetic guidelines. Patients were prescribed an antiemetic for breakthrough CINV at the discretion of their treating oncologist. If patients had breakthrough CINV that required a breakthrough antiemetic medication, they were instructed to complete a questionnaire every 30 minutes for 4 hours after taking the antiemetic. Levels of nausea (0-10), vomiting, and side effects were recorded. RESULTS: Of the 96 patients enrolled, 27 (28%) reported breakthrough nausea and/or vomiting requiring medication and completed the questionniare. Eighty-eight percent (n = 24) reported the use of prochlorperazine; they experienced a 75% median nausea reduction after 4 hours, with minimal side effects. Three patients (12%) reported the use of a 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HT) receptor antagonist for treatment of breakthrough nausea. These patients reported a median nausea reduction of 75% after 4 hours and no perceived toxicities. CONCLUSIONS: Prochlorperazine and 5-HT receptor antagonists appear to be effective breakthrough antiemetic therapies. The described study methodology can be used to conduct randomized clinical trials to find more effective drugs for treating established nausea.
机译:背景:化学疗法引起的恶心和呕吐(CINV)是一种使人衰弱的副作用。以前的研究主要集中在预防性治疗上,但是没有公开的报告评估突破性CINV的治疗。方法:进行了一项前瞻性的前瞻性研究,为开具突破性CINV的单药处方疗效提供了初步的前瞻性证据。入组患者正在接受中度或高度催吐化学疗法,并根据止吐药指南对CINV进行预防性治疗。根据治疗肿瘤医师的判断,为患者开具用于突破性CINV的止吐药。如果患者的突破性CINV需要突破性止吐药物治疗,则应指导他们服用止吐剂后每30分钟完成一次问卷调查,持续4小时。记录恶心(0-10),呕吐和副作用的水平。结果:在纳入的96名患者中,有27名(28%)报告需要药物治疗的突破性恶心和/或呕吐并完成了询问。 88%(n = 24)的人报告使用了氯丙嗪;他们在4小时后平均减少了75%的恶心,且副作用极小。三名患者(占12%)报告了使用5-羟色氨酸(5-HT)受体拮抗剂治疗突破性恶心。这些患者报告在4个小时后恶心中位数减少了75%,并且没有发现毒性。结论:丙氯哌嗪和5-HT受体拮抗剂似乎是有效的突破性止吐疗法。所描述的研究方法可用于进行随机临床试验,以找到更有效的药物来治疗恶心。



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