首页> 外文期刊>Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery: JPRAS >Cephalic vein transposition in head and neck microsurgery: advantages of a modified step-wise (closed) technique.

Cephalic vein transposition in head and neck microsurgery: advantages of a modified step-wise (closed) technique.


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The cephalic vein is occasionally used for venous drainage in complex head and neck reconstruction. The vein may be located through a linear incision but we propose an alternative, 'step-wise' technique. A semicircular incision is made similar to that used when raising a deltopectoral flap with an apex just below the level of the coracoid process. The cephalic vein is then identified in the deltopectoral groove and is approached in the arm through a series of small (2 cm) horizontal incisions directly over the vein, resulting in less risk of vessel damage and a speedier harvest. The longitudinal approach, apart from predisposing to potentially worse scarring requiring revision (such as via Z plastic correction), also precludes the subsequent use of the deltopectoral flap. The modified closed step-wise approach simultaneously imparts delay to any future deltopectoral flap, whilst keeping the option of the use of this flap open for future salvage procedures (Figure 1).



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