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A plea to improve statistical analyses and methods in plastic surgery


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In 1968, a group of researchers at the University of Michigan attempted to answer the question of whether there were functional differences between epineurial repairs, fascicular repairs and electrical stimulation matched fascicular repairs in primates. The repairs were done randomly and the type of repair was concealed from the evaluators. The evaluators' endpoints were muvolts measured by EMG. The researchers concluded, "Statistical analysis...demonstrates that [the groups with fascicular] suture have an EMG value of 500 muV or more, to a significantly greater degree, with p = 0.07 level of probability, than does epineural suture". Lost in mists of time are the names of statistical tests done and the authors' rationale for rejecting the null hypothesis at the 0.07 level. Unforgotten is the fact that the senior author won the First Prize in the 1969 Essay Contest of the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons' Educational Foundation because it judged the research sufficiently meritorious. Saving the world's supply of Epsom salts At the December 1971 British Association of Plastic Surgeons meeting, Acland reported a blinded study on 0.5 mm rat epigastric arteries to see if MgSO4 (Epsom salts) prevented thrombosis. In systemically heparinized rats, he found that one-hour post-anastomosis 6/20 controls were patent while 18/20 MgSO4 treated were patent.
机译:1968年,密歇根大学的一组研究人员试图回答以下问题:灵长类动物的海马神经修复,束状修复和电刺激与束状修复之间是否存在功能差异。维修是随机进行的,维修人员对维修人员没有任何了解。评估者的终点是通过肌电图测量的伏特。研究人员得出的结论是:“统计分析……证明,与束状缝合相比,(束状缝合)缝合线的肌电图值在500μV或更高,p = 0.07的概率水平上明显更高”。迷失在时间中的是进行的统计检验的名称,以及作者拒绝在0.07级别上的零假设的理由。令人难忘的是,该资深作者在1969年美国整形外科医师学会教育基金会征文大赛中获得一等奖,因为它认为这项研究非常有功。拯救世界上的泻盐供应在1971年12月的英国整形外科医生协会会议上,Acland报告了一项关于0.5 mm大鼠上腹部动脉的盲法研究,以了解MgSO4(泻盐)是否可以预防血栓形成。在全身性肝素化的大鼠中,他发现吻合后一小时的6/20对照是有专利的,而经18/20 MgSO4处理的是有专利的。



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