首页> 外文期刊>Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery: JPRAS >Pectus less invasive extrapleural repair (PLIER).

Pectus less invasive extrapleural repair (PLIER).


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PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: This aim of this study was to evaluate the initial experience of pectus deformity repair using the pectus less invasive extrapleural repair (PLIER) procedure. METHODS: PLIER is an open procedure which involves a small midline chest incision, with exposure of the xiphoid which is raised to create a retrosternal space. The costal cartilages are excised to free the sternum and metal struts are implanted to stabilise the reconstructed chest wall. MAIN FINDINGS: Corrections were performed on 35 patients [25 pectus excavatum (PE) and 10 pectus carinatum (PC)] with a median age of 15.2 years (range 13-19 years). The mean size of the incision was 7.5 cm (range 7-10.5 cm). The mean operation time was 85 min (75-115 min). There were no intraoperative complications. The follow-up period ranged from 6 months to 2 years. CONCLUSIONS: The initial experience with the PLIER procedure demonstrates that it is suitable for the correction of PE and PC. The advantage of PLIER procedure is that it can be performed through small incisions in a short time with minimal loss of blood. Excellent aesthetic results after the procedure indicate the need to offer this method of surgical correction to low risk children.
机译:研究目的:本研究的目的是评估使用无创性胸膜外修补术(PLIER)进行的睑畸形修复的初步经验。方法:PLIER是一种开放手术,包括中线的小胸部切口,剑突暴露,从而形成胸骨后间隙。切除肋软骨以释放胸骨,并植入金属支柱以稳定重建的胸壁。主要发现:对中位年龄为15.2岁(范围13-19岁)的35例患者进行了矫正[25例胸腔摘除(PE)和10例胸腔镜检(PC)]。切口的平均大小为7.5厘米(范围为7-10.5厘米)。平均手术时间为85分钟(75-115分钟)。没有术中并发症。随访期为6个月至2年。结论:PLIER程序的初步经验表明,它适用于PE和PC的校正。 PLIER手术的优点是可以在短时间内通过小切口进行手术,而血液损失最少。手术后的出色美学效果表明需要为低风险儿童提供这种手术矫正方法。



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