首页> 外文期刊>Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery: JPRAS >Surgical resection of vulva lymphoedema circumscriptum.

Surgical resection of vulva lymphoedema circumscriptum.


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BACKGROUND: Lymphangioma circumscriptum, a rare, benign disease that can be either congenital or acquired, involves the deep dermis and subcutaneous lymphatics. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to analyse the efficacy of surgical resection of vulva lymphangioma circumscriptum (VLC). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between January 2000 and December 2008, eight consecutive women referred to our centre and treated surgically for VLC were included in the study. VLC was responsible for recurrent lymph oozing in seven cases. All women were treated by the same plastic surgeon specialising in lymphatic diseases. RESULTS: The first surgery was performed after a median interval of 5.4 years since VLC onset. The first cutaneous resection included the labia majora of all women and labia minora of five and clitoral hood of four. Five women experienced rapidly recurrent vesicles associated with lymph oozing and underwent resection again (once: two women, twice: three women). The second resection was performed 4-6 months after the first, whereas the third took place 1-6 years after the second. Five women had moderate and transitory post-surgical lymph oozing. After a median follow-up of 53 months after the last surgery, seven of the eight women were free from symptom. CONCLUSION: Surgical resection is an effective and well-tolerated therapy for VLC in most women. Lesion recurrence is frequent but resection can be repeated several times with no adverse effects.
机译:背景:环淋巴管瘤是一种罕见的良性疾病,可以是先天性或后天性的,累及真皮深层和皮下淋巴管。目的:本研究旨在分析外阴淋巴管瘤外翻(VLC)手术切除的疗效。材料与方法:在2000年1月至2008年12月之间,本研究包括了八名连续妇女前往我们中心接受外科手术治疗VLC。 VLC导致7例复发淋巴渗出。所有妇女均由专门从事淋巴疾病的整形外科医生治疗。结果:自VLC发作以来,中位间隔5.4年后进行了第一次手术。第一次皮肤切除术包括所有妇女的大阴唇和五名小阴唇和四名阴蒂罩。五名妇女经历了与淋巴液渗出相关的快速复发性囊泡,并再次进行了切除(一次:两名妇女,两次:三名妇女)。第二次切除在第一次切除后4-6个月进行,而第三次切除在第二次切除后1-6年进行。五名妇女在手术后出现中度和短暂性淋巴渗血。在上次手术后进行了53个月的中位随访后,八名妇女中有七名没有症状。结论:对于大多数女性来说,手术切除是一种有效且耐受良好的VLC治疗方法。病变复发频繁,但可以重复切除几次而无不良影响。



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