首页> 外文期刊>Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery: JPRAS >Nicolo Manuzzi (1639-1717) and the first report of the Indian Rhinoplasty.

Nicolo Manuzzi (1639-1717) and the first report of the Indian Rhinoplasty.

机译:Nicolo Manuzzi(1639-1717)和印度鼻整形术的首次报道。

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The Venetian adventurer Nicolo Manuzzi composed a detailed manuscript about the Moghul Empire late in the 17th century towards the end of his life. It contained an accurate description of the Indian Rhinoplasty. Although it was returned to Europe from India early in the 18th century it was never published. Had it been disseminated amongst the surgeons of the day we can speculate that the 'BL' letter to the Gentleman's Magazine in 1794 would not have been such a surgical 'bombshell' but more a damp squib! This paper records Manuzzi's story which finally came to light when his manuscript was translated into English and published in 1907. We believe that these details are not well known amongst plastic surgeons.
机译:威尼斯冒险家尼科洛·马努齐(Nicolo Manuzzi)撰写了一份详细的手稿,内容是关于莫卧儿帝国(Moghul Empire)的故事,该手稿于17世纪末临终。它包含了印度鼻整形术的准确描述。尽管它在18世纪初从印度返回欧洲,但从未出版过。如果它在当时的外科医生中传播,我们可以推测,1794年写给《绅士杂志》的'BL'字母将不是外科手术的“重磅炸弹”,而是更潮湿的爆管!本文记录了Manuzzi的故事,当他的手稿被翻译成英文并于1907年出版时,这个故事终于曝光了。我们相信这些细节在整形外科医生中并不为人所知。



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