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Lower Cambrian (Branchian) trilobites and biostratigraphy of the Hanford Brook Formation, southern New Brunswick


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The Hanford Brook Formation, one of the classic Cambrian units of Avalonian North America. contains at least eight species of endemic trilobites, including Berubichia milleri Westrop n. sp., that are assigned to seven genera. The vertical succession of faunas is far more complex than has been recognized previously, with each member containing a lithofacies-specific assemblage. These are, in ascending order: a bradoriid-linguloid Association without trilobites in the nearshore St. Martin's Member, a Protolenus Association in dysaerobic siltstones and sandstones of the Somerset Street Member, and a Kingaspidoides-Berabichia Association in hummocky cross-stratified sandstones of the Long Island Member that overlie a parasequence boundary at Hanford Brook. Due to the breakdown of biogeographic barriers in the late Early Cambrian, two new species-based zones, the Protolenus elegans and Kingaspidoides cf. obliquoculatus zones, share trilobite genera with the Tissafinian Stage of Morocco. This generic similarity hits been the basis for correlation of this upper Lower Cambrian interval on the Avalon continent with the West Gondwanan lowest Middle Cambrian. However, the clear facies control on the occurrence of genera in the Hanford Brook Formation and the presence of an abrupt faunal break and unconformity at the base of the Tissafinian in Morocco makes this correlation questionable. The Hanford Brook Formation may represent a late Early Cambrian interval unknown in Gondwana. Sequence-stratigraphic criteria even raise the possibility that the Protolenus Association is the biofacies equivalent of Callavia broeggeri Zone faunas of the Brigus Formation of Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and Massachusetts. [References: 73]
机译:汉福德布鲁克编队,是阿瓦隆北美地区经典的寒武纪单元之一。含有至少八种特有的三叶虫,包括小白菜(Berubichia milleri Westrop n)。 sp。,被分配给七个属。动物群的垂直演替要比以前认识到的要复杂得多,每个成员都包含特定的岩相组合。这些是按升序排列的:近岸的圣马丁成员中没有三叶虫的Bradoriid-linguloid协会,萨默塞特街成员中的耐厌氧粉砂岩和砂岩中的原生动物协会,以及在山坡上通透的交叉分层的砂岩中的金丝雀属-贝拉比娅协会长岛成员,位于汉福德布鲁克的准序列边界上。由于寒武纪早期晚期的生物地理学障碍被打破,两个新的物种为基础的区域,秀丽隐杆线虫和金丝雀藻比照。斜带区,与摩洛哥的蒂沙芬阶共享三叶虫属。这种普遍的相似性是阿瓦隆大陆上下寒武统层段与西贡多瓦南最低中寒武统相关的基础。但是,对Hanford Brook组中属的发生以及在摩洛哥的Tissafinian底部突然的动物区系破裂和不整合面的明确控制,使得这种相关性值得怀疑。汉福德布鲁克组可能代表冈瓦纳未知的早寒武纪间隔。层序地层学标准甚至增加了原生动物协会与纽芬兰,新斯科舍省和马萨诸塞州的布里格斯组的布氏卡拉维耶带动物区系的生物相等同的可能性。 [参考:73]



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