首页> 外文期刊>Journal of plastic surgery and hand surgery. >Revision of a failed Swanson arthroplasty to a total wrist replacement restores wrist function and movements

Revision of a failed Swanson arthroplasty to a total wrist replacement restores wrist function and movements


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This study reports a case of revision of a failed Swanson silastic interpositional wrist replacement to a Universal 2 (KMI medical Inc, San Deigo, CA, Jan 2009) total wrist arthroplasty, in a 68-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis and pyrophosphate arthropathy. At the 2-year follow-up, the patient was pain-free and was able to performall activities of daily living, documented by subjective assessment and objective scores. The disabilities of the arm, shoulder, and hand (DASH) scores improved from 98.3 preoperatively to 55.1 postoperatively. A failed Swanson silastic interpositional wrist replacement may be successfully revised to an uncemented primary wrist replacement with good functional results at early follow-up.
机译:这项研究报告了一名68岁的患有类风湿关节炎和焦磷酸盐关节炎的女性,将一例失败的Swanson硅橡胶介入性腕关节置换手术改换为Universal 2(KMI medical Inc,San Deigo,CA,2009年)全腕置换术。 。在为期2年的随访中,患者无痛并且能够执行日常生活的所有活动,并通过主观评估和客观评分来证明。手臂,肩膀和手(DASH)的残障评分从术前的98.3改善到术后的55.1。失败的Swanson硅橡胶介入式手腕置换术可以成功地修订为无骨水泥型主手腕置换术,并在早期随访中取得良好的功能效果。



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