首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Rural Studies >Rural empowerment through the arts: the role of the arts in civic and social participation in the Mid West region of Western Australia.

Rural empowerment through the arts: the role of the arts in civic and social participation in the Mid West region of Western Australia.


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To combat social and economic inequity in rural Australia, governments, communities, and policy makers are seeking ways to empower local residents to find local solutions to local problems. Through an exploratory review of the literature and semi-structured interviews conducted in the Mid West of Western Australia, this research examined the role of the arts as a vehicle for increased social and civic participation to build resilience to inequity. For those interviewed, the arts were observed to strengthen sense of place and community identity. The arts were utilised as a means for encouraging and enabling civic participation, as well as providing opportunities for social interaction and networking, which are essential for the health and wellbeing of rural and remote residents. While providing a context for civic and social participation, the arts were viewed by several of those interviewed as a means for facilitating understanding between divisive and disparate groups. Yet, it was noted that the execution and drive for arts activities and events was dependent on the availability of human capital, but also on support from governance and funding authorities to build capacity to sustain these activities. If, as suggested by this exploratory review, the arts are a vehicle for building resilience in rural Australia, then further research is needed to support these claims to enable continued and future support for not just the arts, but the capacity of communities to engage in the arts.Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2011.03.001
机译:为了解决澳大利亚农村地区的社会和经济不平等问题,政府,社区和政策制定者正在寻找方法,使当地居民有能力找到当地解决当地问题的方法。通过对文学的探索性评论和在西澳大利亚州中西部进行的半结构式访谈,这项研究考察了艺术作为增加社会和公民参与以建立抵御不平等能力的手段的作用。对于那些接受采访的人,观察到艺术可以增强他们的地方感和社区认同感。艺术被用作鼓励和促进公民参与的手段,并为社会互动和建立联系提供机会,这对于农村和偏远居民的健康和福祉至关重要。在为公民和社会参与提供背景的同时,一些受访者认为艺术是促进不同群体和不同群体之间理解的一种手段。然而,有人指出,艺术活动和艺术活动的执行和动力取决于人力资本的可得性,还取决于治理和筹资当局对建立可持续活动能力的支持。如果像本探索性审查所建议的那样,艺术是在澳大利亚乡村地区增强抗灾力的工具,那么就需要进一步的研究来支持这些主张,从而不仅在艺术方面而且在社区的参与能力方面获得持续和未来的支持arts.Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2011.03.001



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