
Advances in the understanding of risk factors for ovarian cancer.


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The identification of risk factors for ovarian cancer is central to the goal of preventing deaths from this disease. Reproductive and hormonal history clearly modulate the risk of ovarian cancer. Continuous ovulation associated with nulliparity increases the likelihood of ovarian malignancy. Protective factors include conditions that suspend ovulation, such as pregnancy, lactation and oral contraceptive use. Hereditary syndromes account for 10% of ovarian cancer cases. The breast ovarian cancer syndrome is caused by mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes and is associated with an 11-40% risk of developing ovarian cancer. The hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer syndrome (HNPCC, or Lynch II) is caused by mutations in DNA mismatch repair genes and carries a 12% risk of ovarian cancer. Due to a lack of adequate screening techniques, women with BRCA1, BRCA2 or HNPCC mutations should consider prophylactic removal of the ovaries and fallopian tubes when childbearing is complete. Genetic polymorphisms are hereditary genetic variations that may act in concert with other genetic, hormonal or environmental factors to potentiate the risk of ovarian cancer. Finally, ovarian cancer risk is altered by environmental and behavioral factors. Further study of the risk factors for ovarian cancer is needed to develop effective preventive strategies.
机译:卵巢癌危险因素的识别对于预防死于该病的目标至关重要。生殖和激素史清楚地调节了卵巢癌的风险。与不育相关的持续排卵增加了卵巢恶性肿瘤的可能性。保护性因素包括中止排卵的条件,例如怀孕,哺乳和口服避孕药。遗传综合征占卵巢癌病例的10%。乳腺癌卵巢癌综合症是由BRCA1和BRCA2基因的突变引起的,并且与罹患卵巢癌的11-40%风险相关。遗传性非息肉性大肠癌综合征(HNPCC或Lynch II)是由DNA错配修复基因的突变引起的,并具有12%的卵巢癌风险。由于缺乏适当的筛查技术,患有BRCA1,BRCA2或HNPCC突变的女性应考虑在分娩完成后预防性切除卵巢和输卵管。遗传多态性是遗传遗传变异,可以与其他遗传,激素或环境因素协同作用,以增强卵巢癌的风险。最后,卵巢癌的风险会因环境和行为因素而改变。为了制定有效的预防策略,需要进一步研究卵巢癌的危险因素。



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