首页> 外文期刊>Journal of rehabilitation medicine : >Asymmetric skull deformity in children with cerebral palsy: Frequency and correlation with postural abnormalities and deformities.

Asymmetric skull deformity in children with cerebral palsy: Frequency and correlation with postural abnormalities and deformities.


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Objective: Asymmetrical skull deformity is frequently seen in children with cerebral palsy, and may contribute to postural abnormalities and deformities. The aim of this cross-sectional- survey was to determine the frequency of asymmetrical skull deformity and its correlation with clinical parameters. Methods: A 10-item checklist for asymmetrical skull deformity, postural abnormalities, and deformities was developed, and its inter-rater reliability was tested. A total of 110 participants aged 1-18 years (mean age 9.3 years (standard deviation 4.7)) was assessed using the checklist. The frequency of asymmetrical skull deformity was analysed and related to the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS), postural abnormalities, and deformities. Results: The reliability of the checklist was satisfactory (κ?>?0.8). Asymmetrical skull deformity was observed in 44 children, 24 showing right and 20 showing left flat occipital deformity. Its frequency was significantly related to GMFCS and with the patterns of asymmetrical posture and deformities (p?
机译:目的:脑瘫儿童常见颅骨不对称畸形,可能导致姿势异常和畸形。这项横断面调查的目的是确定颅骨不对称畸形的频率及其与临床参数的相关性。方法:制定了一个10个项目的清单,用于检查非对称性颅骨畸形,姿势异常和畸形,并评估其评分者间的信度。使用检查表评估了110名年龄在1-18岁(平均年龄9.3岁(标准差4.7))的参与者。分析了不对称颅骨畸形的频率,并与总运动功能分类系统(GMFCS),姿势异常和畸形相关。结果:检查表的可靠性令人满意(κ≥0.8)。在44名儿童中观察到颅骨不对称畸形,其中24例显示右侧枕骨畸形,20例显示左侧枕骨畸形。它的频率与GMFCS以及不对称姿势和畸形的模式显着相关(p <0.05)。右枕枕不对称颅骨畸形的儿童主要表现为右脸方向和右侧占主导地位的非对称性强直性颈部反射,左凸脊柱侧弯,右侧骨盆倾斜和左侧髋关节脱位。左枕后部不对称头骨畸形者表现出相反的趋势。结论:不对称颅骨畸形在脑瘫中很常见,与不对称姿势和畸形密切相关。此信息将有助于管理这些问题。



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