首页> 外国专利> A method for predicting relapse and equinovarus equinus foot deformity AFTER THEIR early surgical treatment in children with cerebral palsy

A method for predicting relapse and equinovarus equinus foot deformity AFTER THEIR early surgical treatment in children with cerebral palsy



FIELD: medicine.;SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely to orthopedics. In children with cerebral palsy before operation performed is superficial enveloping EMG of shin. Coefficients of reciprocity of gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior muscles are determined at maximally possible dorsal and plantar flexion of foot. Said coefficients are compared with average statistical values of reciprocity coefficients obtained in examination of healthy children and children with recurrence and without recurrence of equinus and equinovarus foot deformation after their early surgery. Development of recurrence after early surgery of equinus and equinovarus foot deformation is predicted by value of reciprocity coefficient for gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior muscles.;EFFECT: method makes it possible to objectively predict presence and degree of risk of equinus and equinovarus foot deformation recurrences after their early surgery, carry out complex treatment in pre-operation period, treatment in post-operation period in group of patients with high risk of recurrence.;1 tbl, 6 dwg
机译:技术领域本发明涉及医学,即骨科。在患有脑瘫的儿童中,手术前是胫骨表面的肌电图。腓肠肌和胫骨前肌的互易性系数在最大程度的足背和足底屈曲时确定。将所述系数与在健康儿童和复发且没有复发的儿童中进行检查后得到的互惠系数的平均统计值进行比较,这些儿童在其早期手术后没有复发。通过腓肠肌和胫骨前肌的互易性系数值来预测等腰和等腰足畸形的早期手术后复发的发生。早期手术,对于高复发风险的患者,应在手术前进行复杂的治疗,在手术前,术后进行治疗。1tbl,6 dwg



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