首页> 外文期刊>Journal of rehabilitation medicine : >Indicators for return to work after stroke and the importance of work for subjective well-being and life satisfaction.

Indicators for return to work after stroke and the importance of work for subjective well-being and life satisfaction.


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OBJECTIVES: This study focuses on the continuation of gainful employment after experiencing stroke, addressing factors indicative of readiness for return to work, subjective well-being and life satisfaction. METHODS: The target group comprised 120 patients, studied by means of medical records and postal questionnaires. RESULTS: A total of 41% had returned to work, although there were changes concerning employers, assignments and working hours. Individuals who had returned to work reported a significantly higher level in subjective well-being and life satisfaction. Being able to walk meant the greatest chance of returning to work (odds ratio = 3.98) followed by white-collar worker (odds ratio = 2.99) and having preserved cognitive capacity (odds ratio = 2.64). CONCLUSION: Returning to work after stroke is a major factor for high subjective well-being and life satisfaction. Three factors indicative of readiness for return to work were identified, providing implications for more efficient vocational rehabilitation programmes.
机译:目的:本研究的重点是中风后继续从事有酬工作,解决那些表示愿意重返工作岗位,主观幸福感和生活满意度的因素。方法:目标人群包括120名患者,通过病历和邮政调查表进行研究。结果:尽管雇主,工作分配和工作时间发生了变化,但仍有41%的人重返工作岗位。重返工作岗位的人主观幸福感和生活满意度显着提高。能够走路意味着重返工作的最大机会(比值= 3.98),其次是白领(比值= 2.99),并且具有保留的认知能力(比值= 2.64)。结论:中风后恢复工作是实现高主观幸福感和生活满意度的主要因素。确定了三个表明愿意重返工作岗位的因素,这些因素对更有效的职业康复计划具有影响。



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