首页> 外文期刊>Journal of rehabilitation medicine : >Factors determining job retention and return to work for disabled employees: a questionnaire study of opinions of disabled people's organizations in the UK.

Factors determining job retention and return to work for disabled employees: a questionnaire study of opinions of disabled people's organizations in the UK.


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OBJECTIVES: To determine the views of organizations of and for disabled people in order to inform the writing of the British Society of Research Medicines policy document "Vocational Rehabilitation--The Way Forward". PATIENTS/ORGANIZATIONS: A single mailing was sent to 98 disability organizations within the UK. DESIGN: A semi-structured postal questionnaire focused on factors (i) within the National Health Service; (ii) external to it, mainly in the workplace, making it difficult for people to stay in work in the presence of disease/disability, or to find work after losing their job (within the last 6 months). RESULTS: A 30% response rate, with many incomplete questionnaires, was obtained so that 24 complete questionnaires were analysed. The dominant findings concerning the National Health Service were, overwhelmingly, that it was perceived as impacting deleteriously on the work of disabled people with delays to consultation, investigation and rehabilitation and a lack of appreciation of workplace issues. Employers were seen as unresponsive to the needs of workers, with negative attitudes to disability. The changes required in both areas were closely related to these findings. CONCLUSION: Though the organizations surveyed were not representative, nevertheless there was considerable agreement about the need for both the National Health Service and employers to be more responsive to the workplace needs of disabled people.
机译:目的:确定残疾人组织和残疾人组织的观点,以指导英国研究医学协会政策文件“职业康复—前进之路”的撰写。患者/组织:已向英国98个残疾人组织发送了一封邮件。设计:半结构化的邮政调查表,重点关注(i)国家卫生局内部的因素; (ii)在外部,主要是在工作场所,使人们在有疾病/残疾的情况下很难继续工作,或者在失业后(过去6个月内)很难找到工作。结果:获得了30%的答复率,其中有许多不完整的问卷,因此对24个完整的问卷进行了分析。关于国家卫生局的主要调查结果绝大多数是,它被认为对残疾人的工作造成了有害影响,延误了咨询,调查和康复工作,并且对工作场所问题缺乏理解。雇主被视为对工人的需求没有反应,对残疾持消极态度。这两个领域所需的变化都与这些发现密切相关。结论:尽管接受调查的组织不具有代表性,但对于国民健康服务部门和雇主都需要对残疾人的工作场所需求做出更迅速反应的需求,已经达成了相当多的共识。



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