首页> 外文期刊>Journal of psychopathology and behavioral assessment >Differential Associations Between Relational and Overt Aggression and Children's Psychosocial Adjustment

Differential Associations Between Relational and Overt Aggression and Children's Psychosocial Adjustment


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Although much research has focused on the association between childhood aggression and negative psychosocial adjustment, the link between the subtypes of aggression and adjustment is less clear, particularly for relational aggression. The current study examined whether overt and relational aggression in childhood (M=10.4 years, SD=1.1) are differentially associated with four psychosocial adjustment outcomes (i.e., academic performance, social problems, depression, and delinquency). Results indicated that relational aggression was negatively associated with academic performance, while overt aggression was positively associated with delinquency. Additionally, findings suggested gender differences in the link between aggression subtypes and social problems. Specifically, overt aggression was positively associated with social problems for boys and relational aggression was positively associated with social problems for girls. Neither subtype of aggression was uniquely associated with depression. Thus, this study suggests that psychosocial outcomes may differ depending on the form of aggression that is utilized.
机译:尽管许多研究都集中在儿童期侵略与负面心理社会调节之间的关系上,但侵略与调节的亚型之间的联系尚不清楚,特别是对于关系性侵略而言。当前的研究检查了儿童期(M = 10.4岁,SD = 1.1)的公开和关系性侵略是否与四种心理社会适应结局(即学业成绩,社会问题,抑郁和犯罪)有差异相关。结果表明,关系型攻击与学业成绩呈负相关,而明显的攻击性与犯罪行为呈正相关。此外,研究结果表明,侵略性亚型与社会问题之间存在性别差异。具体而言,公然的侵略与男孩的社会问题正相关,而关系性侵略与女孩的社会问题正相关。攻击的两种亚型均与抑郁症没有唯一关系。因此,这项研究表明,根据所使用的攻击形式,社会心理结果可能会有所不同。



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