首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering >CO2 EOR and storage in Jilin oilfield China: Monitoring program and preliminary results

CO2 EOR and storage in Jilin oilfield China: Monitoring program and preliminary results


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Jilin oilfield is conducting the first large scale demonstration project on CO2 EOR and storage in the northeast China. CO2 with high purity is produced from a nearby natural gas reservoir and injected into the tight oil reservoir of H-59 block. Up to early in 2012, more than 20 x 10(4) tons of CO2 has been injected into the reservoir through a miscible flooding scheme. In order to track the migration of CO2 in the reservoir and ensure a long-term storage safety, a monitoring program has been deployed in the field. The used monitoring techniques include wellbore integrity detecting, produced fluid sampling, CO2 gas tracer, electric spontaneous potential measurement, micro-seismic and cross-well seismic. An environmental monitoring program is also implemented for verifying CO2 leakage. Preliminary results indicate that it is effective to detect the movement of CO2 in the oil reservoir by jointly applying various monitoring techniques based on wellbores. After more than four years of operation since 2008, nearly 80% of injected CO2 has been stored in the reservoir with the rest of injected CO2 breakthrough in the production wells. CO2 storage safety needs more detailed and comprehensive monitoring data for further verification. The obtained preliminary monitoring experience can provide valuable guidance for the future enlarged Jilin project and other CO2 EOR and storage operations. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:吉林油田正在中国东北地区进行第一个大规模的二氧化碳驱油和封存示范项​​目。高纯度的二氧化碳从附近的天然气储层中产生,并注入到H-59区块的致密油储层中。截止到2012年初,通过混溶驱油方案向储层注入了超过20 x 10(4)吨的CO2。为了跟踪二氧化碳在储层中的迁移并确保长期的存储安全,已在现场部署了监视程序。所使用的监测技术包括井眼完整性检测,采出液取样,CO2气体示踪剂,电自发势能测量,微地震和井间地震。还实施了一项环境监测程序,以验证CO2泄漏。初步结果表明,通过联合应用基于井眼的各种监测技术,可以有效地检测油藏中的二氧化碳运动。自2008年以来,经过四年多的运营,已将近80%的注入CO2储存在储层中,其余注入的CO2突破了生产井。二氧化碳封存安全需要更详细,更全面的监控数据以进行进一步验证。初步的监测经验可以为吉林未来扩大项目以及其他CO2采油和封存作业提供有价值的指导。 (C)2014 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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