首页> 外文期刊>Journal of public health management and practice: JPHMP >A comparative study of 11 local health department organizational networks.

A comparative study of 11 local health department organizational networks.


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CONTEXT: Although the nation's local health departments (LHDs) share a common mission, variability in administrative structures is a barrier to identifying common, optimal management strategies. There is a gap in understanding what unifying features LHDs share as organizations that could be leveraged systematically for achieving high performance. OBJECTIVE: To explore sources of commonality and variability in a range of LHDs by comparing intraorganizational networks. INTERVENTION: We used organizational network analysis to document relationships between employees, tasks, knowledge, and resources within LHDs, which may exist regardless of formal administrative structure. SETTING: A national sample of 11 LHDs from seven states that differed in size, geographic location, and governance. PARTICIPANTS: Relational network data were collected via an on-line survey of all employees in 11 LHDs. A total of 1062 out of 1239 employees responded (84% response rate). OUTCOME MEASURES: Network measurements were compared using coefficient of variation. Measurements were correlated with scores from the National Public Health Performance Assessment and with LHD demographics. Rankings of tasks, knowledge, and resources were correlated across pairs of LHDs. RESULTS: We found that 11 LHDs exhibited compound organizational structures in which centralized hierarchies were coupled with distributed networks at the point of service. Local health departments were distinguished from random networks by a pattern of high centralization and clustering. Network measurements were positively associated with performance for 3 of 10 essential services (r > 0.65). Patterns in the measurements suggest how LHDs adapt to the population served. CONCLUSIONS: Shared network patterns across LHDs suggest where common organizational management strategies are feasible. This evidence supports national efforts to promote uniform standards for service delivery to diverse populations.
机译:语境:尽管国家的地方卫生部门(LHD)承担着共同的使命,但是行政机构的变化是确定共同的最佳管理策略的障碍。在理解LHD作为组织可以共享以实现高性能的组织所共有的统一功能方面存在差距。目的:通过比较组织内部网络,探索一系列LHDs的共性和变异性来源。干预:我们使用组织网络分析来记录LHD中员工,任务,知识和资源之间的关系,无论正式的管理结构如何,这些关系都可能存在。地点:来自七个州的11个LHD的全国样本,其规模,地理位置和治理都不同。参与者:关系网络数据是通过对11个LHD的所有员工进行的在线调查收集的。 1239名员工中,共有1062名得到了答复(答复率为84%)。观察指标:使用变异系数比较网络测量结果。测量值与国家公共卫生绩效评估中的得分以及LHD人口统计学相关。任务,知识和资源的排名在LHD对之间相关。结果:我们发现11个LHD表现出复合的组织结构,其中在服务点将集中式层次结构与分布式网络耦合在一起。地方卫生部门通过高度集中和集聚的模式与随机网络区分开来。网络测量与10个基本服务中的3个的性能呈正相关(r> 0.65)。测量中的模式表明了左座右臂如何适应所服务的人群。结论:跨LHD的共享网络模式表明在哪里可以采用常见的组织管理策略。该证据支持国家为促进向不同人群提供服务的统一标准所做的努力。



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