首页> 外文期刊>Journal of psychoactive drugs >Prevalence of Substance Use and Mental Distress Among Patients on Waiting Lists for Substance Use Disorder Treatment

Prevalence of Substance Use and Mental Distress Among Patients on Waiting Lists for Substance Use Disorder Treatment


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Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of illicit substance use, alcohol consumption, and psychosocial distress among Norwegian patients on waiting lists for substance use disorder treatment. Methods: Patients on waiting lists at 16 Norwegian treatment clinics for substance use disorders received a mailed questionnaire or were recruited during pre-treatment meetings (response rate 40%, n = 203). The patients completed a questionnaire consisting of validated screening tools of substance use and psychosocial distress. When available, Norwegian norm data were used as a reference group in analyses. Results: Among patients who reported use of illicit substances in the last month, 40% reported scores above cut-off. About 50% of those who had consumed alcohol reported a severe pattern of alcohol consumption. A total of 60% of the sample reported severe symptom loads and nearly 70% of the sample reported interpersonal problems above cut-off. Compared to the norm data, patients on waiting lists reported more psychosocial distress on all the symptom dimensions, as expected. Conclusions: Patients on waiting lists reported substantial substance use and psychosocial burden. Pre-treatment interventions should be conducted among these patients. Treatment could benefit from more standardized screening routines and clinical assessments before patients enter treatment. The findings may challenge the Norwegian policy of supply-driven treatment services.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是研究在等待药物滥用障碍治疗名单上的挪威患者中非法药物滥用,饮酒和心理困扰的发生率。方法:在挪威的16家药物滥用治疗诊所中,等待名单上的患者收到了邮寄的问卷或在治疗前会议上被招募(回复率为40%,n = 203)。患者完成了一份调查问卷,其中包括经过验证的物质使用和社会心理困扰筛查工具。如果可用,将挪威标准数据用作分析中的参考组。结果:在上个月报告使用违禁药物的患者中,有40%的患者报告的分数高于临界值。大约50%的饮酒者报告了严重的饮酒习惯。共有60%的样本报告了严重的症状负荷,而近70%的样本报告了超出临界值的人际关系问题。与正常数据相比,等待名单上的患者在所有症状方面都报告了更多的社会心理困扰,这与预期的一样。结论:等待名单上的患者报告了大量的物质使用和社会心理负担。这些患者应进行治疗前干预。在患者进入治疗之前,可以从更标准化的筛查常规和临床评估中受益。该发现可能会挑战挪威的供应驱动治疗服务政策。



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