首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Plant Nutrition >Leaf Potassium Accumulation in Olive Plants Related to Nutritional K Status, Leaf Age, and Foliar Application of Potassium Salts.

Leaf Potassium Accumulation in Olive Plants Related to Nutritional K Status, Leaf Age, and Foliar Application of Potassium Salts.


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Four separate experiments were carried out in greenhouse conditions from spring of 2001 to summer of 2003. The aim of this research was to study the effect of factors such as leaf age, salt type and concentration, number of foliar applications, and the nutritional status on the efficiency of foliar applications of potassium (K) in olive plants. In all experiments, mist-rooted 'Picual' olive plants growing in 2 L pots containing perlite were fertigated with a complete nutrient solution containing 0.05 mM or 2.5 mM potassium chloride (KCl). In one experiment, plants received two foliar applications with five concentrations of KCl (0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, or 8%) at 63 and 84 days after transplanting. Foliar KCl applications at 2% or 4% increased shoot lengths and the K content of plants fertigated with 0.05 mM KCl (poor K nourished), while foliar KCl application did not have any influence on the growth or K content of plants fertigated with 2.5 mM KCl (normal K nourished). When the number of foliar applications was increased, the results showed that two foliar applications were enough to increase leaf K concentration in olive plants above the sufficiency level. Leaf age could influence the efficiency of foliar K application. Leaf K concentration were higher in young leaves than in mature ones. All K-salts studied as foliar sprays [KCl, potassium sulfate (K2SO4), potassium nitrate (KNO3), potassium carbonate (K2CO3), and potassium phosphate (KH2PO4)] were effective in increasing leaf K concentration. The results obtained in the present study indicate that foliar applications of K effectively increase K content in K-deficient olive plants, and that foliar applications might be more effective on young leaves. Two foliar applications of 4% KCl or the equivalent for other salts are enough to increase leaf K concentration.
机译:2001年春季至2003年夏季,在温室条件下进行了四个单独的实验。本研究的目的是研究诸如叶龄,盐分和盐浓度,叶面施用次数以及营养状况等因素对番茄的影响。橄榄植物中钾(K)叶面施用的效率。在所有实验中,用含0.05 mM或2.5 mM氯化钾(KCl)的完整营养液对在2 L装有珍珠岩的盆中生长的迷雾根茎'Picual'橄榄植物施肥。在一项实验中,植物在移植后63天和84天接受了两次叶面施用,分别施用五种浓度的KCl(0%,2%,4%,6%或8%)。叶面喷施2%或4%的KCl会增加苗长,并用0.05 mM KCl施肥的植物中的K含量(营养不良),而叶面喷施KCl对2.5 mM的施肥植物的生长或K含量没有任何影响。 KCl(正常的K营养)。结果表明,当增加叶面施用量时,两次叶面施用足以使橄榄植物中的叶片钾浓度增加到足够水平以上。叶龄可能影响叶面施钾的效率。幼叶的钾含量高于成熟叶片。所有作为叶面喷雾剂研究的钾盐[KCl,硫酸钾(K2SO4),硝酸钾(KNO3),碳酸钾(K2CO3)和磷酸钾(KH2PO4)]均可有效提高叶片K浓度。在本研究中获得的结果表明,叶面施用K可以有效地增加缺钾橄榄植物中的K含量,并且叶面施用可能对幼叶更有效。两次叶面施用4%KCl或与其他盐相当的量足以增加叶片K浓度。



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