首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Plant Nutrition >Effect of zinc application methods on apparent utilization efficiency of zinc and potassium fertilizers under rice-wheat rotation

Effect of zinc application methods on apparent utilization efficiency of zinc and potassium fertilizers under rice-wheat rotation


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Apparent utilization of zinc (Zn) and potassium (K) fertilizers was examined in rice (Oryza sativa L.)-wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using combinations of no K; soil applied K levels and no Zn; soil and foliar applied Zn. Application of 33.2 kg K ha(-1) in rice and 24.9 kg K ha(-1) in wheat along with foliar spray of 2 kg Zn ha(-1) at 30 and 60 days gave the highest mean grain yields. Foliar application of zinc increased Zn concentration in flag leaves, grain, and straw of rice and wheat and K concentration in flag leaves of rice and straw of wheat significantly. Potassium application increased Zn concentration in rice grain and straw and K concentration in wheat straw significantly. Zinc and K increased the uptake of each other in grain; straw and total uptake by both crops significantly. Zinc fertilizer enhanced the utilization of soil K. Potassium fertilizer enhanced the utilization of applied Zn.
机译:在水稻(Oryza sativa L。)-小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)中,使用无钾肥的组合检查了锌(Zn)和钾(K)肥料的表观利用率。土壤施钾水平,无锌;土壤和叶面施用锌。在第30天和第60天施用33.2 kg K ha(-1)的水稻和24.9 kg K ha(-1)的小麦,以及叶面喷施2 kg Zn ha(-1)可获得最高的平均谷物产量。叶面喷施锌显着提高了水稻和小麦的旗叶,谷物和稻草的锌含量,并显着提高了小麦和稻草的旗叶中的K含量。钾肥显着增加了稻米和稻草中的锌含量以及小麦秸秆中的钾含量。锌和钾增加了彼此对谷物的吸收。两种作物的秸秆和总吸收量显着。锌肥提高了土壤钾素的利用率。钾肥提高了锌的利用率。



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