首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Plant Nutrition >Nutritional diagnosis and correction of shoot dieback of red bayberry (Myrica rubra Sieb. et Zuca).

Nutritional diagnosis and correction of shoot dieback of red bayberry (Myrica rubra Sieb. et Zuca).

机译:杨梅(Myrica rubra Sieb。et Zuca)的枝条枯死的营养诊断和纠正。

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Shoot dieback characterized by leaflet, rosette shoots, and dieback of shoot tips is one of the most important problems in red bayberry production in south China. However, the causes of shoot dieback have not been determined. The results of leaf analysis and correction experiment showed that leaf boron (B) concentrations were highly correlated with leaf area (P<0.01), spring shoot length (P<0.01), and spring shoot numbers sprouting from one old shoot (P<0.05). Foliar application of B at 2.0 g L-1 of borax was more effective on correcting shoot dieback than foliar application of Zn at 2.0 g L-1 of zinc sulfate and of molybdenum (Mo) at 2.0 g L-1 of ammonium molybdate. Boron application increased fruit yields by 1.23-2.15 times compared with the control. Shoot dieback resulted mainly from B deficiency in the red bayberry trees.
机译:以小叶,玫瑰花梢和梢梢的枯死为特征的嫩芽枯死是华南红色杨梅生产中最重要的问题之一。但是,尚未确定芽枯死的原因。叶片分析和校正实验的结果表明,叶片中硼(B)的浓度与叶片面积(P <0.01),春季新芽长度(P <0.01)以及从一个老枝上萌发的春季新芽数量高度相关(P <0.05)。 )。叶面施用硼在2.0 g L -1 的硼砂上比叶面施用锌在2.0 g L -1 的硫酸锌和钼上更有效(Mo)在2.0 g L -1 钼酸铵中。与对照相比,施用硼使水果产量提高了1.23-2.15倍。枝条枯死主要是由于杨梅树中的B缺乏。



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