首页> 外文期刊>Journal of psychiatric research >Effects of combat deployment on risky and self-destructive behavior among active duty military personnel.

Effects of combat deployment on risky and self-destructive behavior among active duty military personnel.


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Although research has documented negative effects of combat deployment on mental health, few studies have examined whether deployment increases risky or self-destructive behavior. The present study addressed this issue. In addition, we examined whether deployment effects on risky behavior varied depending on history of pre-deployment risky behavior, and assessed whether psychiatric conditions mediated effects of deployment on risky behavior. In an anonymous survey, active duty members of the U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Navy (N = 2116) described their deployment experiences and their participation in risky recreational activities, unprotected sex, illegal drug use, self-injurious behavior, and suicide attempts during three time frames (civilian, military pre-deployment, and military post-deployment). Respondents also reported whether they had problems with depression, anxiety, or PTSD during the same three time frames. Results revealed that risky behavior was much more common in civilian than in military life, with personnel who had not deployed, compared to those who had deployed, reporting more risky behavior and more psychiatric problems as civilians. For the current time period, in contrast, personnel who had deployed (versus never deployed) were significantly more likely to report both risky behavior and psychiatric problems. Importantly, deployment was associated with increases in risky behavior only for personnel with a pre-deployment history of engaging in risky behavior. Although psychiatric conditions were associated with higher levels of risky behavior, psychiatric problems did not mediate associations between deployment and risky behavior. Implications for understanding effects of combat deployment on active duty personnel and directions for future research are discussed.
机译:尽管研究记录了战斗部署对心理健康的负面影响,但很少有研究检查部署是否会增加危险或自毁行为。本研究解决了这个问题。此外,我们检查了部署对风险行为的影响是否取决于部署前风险行为的历史,并评估了精神病是否介导了部署对风险行为的影响。在一项匿名调查中,美国海军陆战队和美国海军现役军人(N = 2116)描述了他们的部署经验以及他们参与危险的娱乐活动,无保护性行为,非法吸毒,自残行为以及在三个时期中企图自杀的经历。时间范围(文职人员,军事部署前和军事部署后)。受访者还报告了在相同的三个时间范围内是否存在抑郁,焦虑或PTSD问题。结果表明,平民中的危险行为比军事生活中更为普遍,与未部署人员相比,未部署人员的情况表明,平民的危险行为和精神病问题更多。相反,在当前时间段内,已部署(相对于从未部署)的人员更有可能报告危险行为和精神病问题。重要的是,部署仅与具有部署前从事危险行为历史的人员的危险行为增加相关。尽管精神病状况与较高水平的危险行为有关,但精神病问题并未调解部署与危险行为之间的关联。讨论了理解战斗部署对现役人员的影响以及未来研究方向。



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