首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Process Control >Deterministic and stochastic model based run-to-run control for batch processes with measurement delays of uncertain duration

Deterministic and stochastic model based run-to-run control for batch processes with measurement delays of uncertain duration


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A novel run-to-run control algorithm integrating deterministic and stochastic model based control is developed for batch processes with measurement delays of uncertain duration. This control algorithm is referred to as deterministic and stochastic model based control (DSMBC). The deterministic component responds quickly to deterministic changes while the stochastic component minimizes the effects arising from measurement delays of uncertain duration. The deterministic component uses a linear process model with parameters that are updated online. The stochastic component uses an error probability density function (PDF) to characterize the effects due to measurement delays and this error PDF is determined from deviations between the set-point and the available process output. To integrate the two control algorithms, the control input is determined by minimizing the weighted sum of the predicted error from the deterministic model and the information entropy of the error probability density distribution. Using a simulated setting where the rate of chemical vapor deposition is controlled, the performance of the proposed DSMBC is shown to be superior to that of EWMA.



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