首页> 外文期刊>Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing >Psychiatric clinical course strengthens the student-patient relationships of baccalaureate nursing students

Psychiatric clinical course strengthens the student-patient relationships of baccalaureate nursing students


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? It is stressful to be ill. People need nurses who help them emotionally while caring for their physical problems. The undergraduate psychiatric course is a good place to begin this learning. A pre and post survey asked 67 baccalaureate student nurses what they learned from their first clinical psychiatric nursing course. Specifically, the authors wanted to know whether working with people with mental illness would help students learn how to help people with emotional stress. ? The students developed skills in listening and communication and progressed through steps essential to the development of empathy: breaking down stigma and prejudicial judgments, developing skills of self-reflection, allowing people to impact them and feeling what it would be like if they were the patient, and recognizing what they had learned thereby making the learning conscious. With these new skills, students remarked on the life-changing experiences they had with these patients. Many commented on their intention to integrate these skills and understandings into their nursing practice with all patients. ? These study findings are important for three reasons: (1) recognition of the importance of the first psychiatric course in helping students develop empathy; (2) encouraging research to focus on faculty efforts to help students integrate these practices into other areas of nursing; and (3) recognition that empathy is a learned process. Psychiatric nursing teaches students how to engage and communicate with patients who have severe emotional distress. Nurses need this knowledge as the majority of patients encountered in hospitals are distressed. This study explores the impact of a psychiatric clinical course in helping students learn to relate to distressed patients. The study used a mixed research methodology to survey 67 baccalaureate students about their experiences in the placement portion of the psychiatric nursing course. The pre-clinical questions focused on students' anticipation regarding individuals with mental illness and how the clinical experience would affect them as nurses and as individuals. The post-clinical questions asked how the clinical experience affected them. The students stated that their time with patients had changed them. Ninety-nine per cent were no longer frightened of the patients. Students realized the patients were distressed and were glad to help them. This work sensitized them to the individual rather than the generic patient. It initiated a process in self-awareness, in sensitivity to the feelings of another person and in communication skills. These are steps in the development of an empathetic presence. The students recognized the need for these skills in all nursing. The authors recommend strategies to assist students in developing an empathetic presence.
机译:?生病压力很大。人们需要护士在照顾自己的身体问题的同时在情感上帮助他们。本科精神科课程是开始学习的好地方。一项前后调查询问了67名学士学位的学生护士,他们从他们的第一期临床精神病学护理课程中学到了什么。具体来说,作者想知道与精神疾病患者一起工作是否会帮助学生学习如何帮助精神压力患者。 ?学生发展了听力和沟通技巧,并逐步发展了移情的基本步骤:消除污名和偏见的判断力,发展自我反省的技巧,使人们能够影响他们并感觉到他们是否会成为病人,并认识到他们学到了什么,从而使学习变得自觉。通过这些新技能,学生们对他们与这些患者的改变生活的经历进行了评论。许多人评论他们打算将这些技能和理解纳入所有患者的护理实践中。 ?这些研究结果之所以重要,有以下三个原因:(1)认识到第一门精神科课程对帮助学生发展同理心的重要性; (2)鼓励研究侧重于教师的努力,以帮助学生将这些实践纳入护理的其他领域; (3)认识到同情是一个学习的过程。精神病学教给学生如何与患有严重情绪困扰的患者进行互动。护士需要这种知识,因为在医院中遇到的大多数患者都很痛苦。这项研究探索了精神病学临床课程在帮助学生学习与受苦患者的关系方面的影响。这项研究采用了混合研究方法,对67名学士学位的学生进行了有关精神科护理课程安置部分的经验调查。临床前问题集中在学生对患有精神疾病的个体的预期以及临床经验将如何影响他们作为护士和个体的预期。临床后问题询问临床经验如何影响他们。学生们说,他们与病人在一起的时间改变了他们。百分之九十九的病人不再受惊。学生们意识到病人很痛苦,很高兴为他们提供帮助。这项工作使他们对个人而不是普通患者敏感。它启动了自我意识,对他人感觉的敏感性和交流技巧的过程。这些是善解人意的存在发展的步骤。学生们意识到在所有护理中都需要这些技能。作者提出了一些策略来帮助学生发展同情心。



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