首页> 外文期刊>Journal of proteomics >Characterization of secretomes from a human blood brain barrier endothelial cells in-vitro model after ischemia by stable isotope labeling with aminoacids in cell culture (SILAC)

Characterization of secretomes from a human blood brain barrier endothelial cells in-vitro model after ischemia by stable isotope labeling with aminoacids in cell culture (SILAC)


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The human immortalized brain endothelial cell line hCMEC/D3 is considered a simple in-vitro model of the blood-brain-barrier. Our aim was to characterize changes in the secretome of hCMEC/D3 subjected to oxygen and glucose deprivation (OGD) to identify new proteins altered after ischemia and that might trigger blood brain-barrier disruption and test their potential as blood biomarkers for ischemic stroke. Using a quantitative proteomic approach based on SILAC, 19 proteins were found differentially secreted between OGD and normoxiaormoglycemia conditions. Among the OGD-secreted proteins, protein folding was the main molecular function identified and for the main canonical pathways there was an enrichment in epithelial adherens junctions and aldosterone signaling. Western blot was used to verify the MS results in a set of 9 differentially secreted proteins and 5 of these were analyzed in serum samples of 38 ischemic stroke patients, 18 stroke-mimicking conditions and 18 healthy controls.
机译:人类永生化的脑内皮细胞系hCMEC / D3被认为是血脑屏障的简单体外模型。我们的目的是表征遭受氧和葡萄糖剥夺(OGD)的hCMEC / D3分泌基因组的变化,以鉴定缺血后改变的新蛋白质,这些蛋白质可能触发血脑屏障破坏,并测试其作为缺血性中风的血液生物标记物的潜力。使用基于SILAC的定量蛋白质组学方法,发现19种蛋白质在OGD和正常氧/正常血糖状况之间差异性分泌。在OGD分泌的蛋白质中,蛋白质折叠是确定的主要分子功能,并且对于主要的经典途径,上皮黏附连接和醛固酮信号传导富集。 Western印迹用于验证一组9种差异分泌蛋白中的MS结果,其中38种缺血性中风患者,18种中风模拟条件和18名健康对照的血清样品中分析了其中5种。



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