首页> 外文期刊>Journal of proteomics >Venom proteomic characterization and relative antivenom neutralization of two medically important Pakistani elapid snakes (Bungarus sindanus and Naja naja)

Venom proteomic characterization and relative antivenom neutralization of two medically important Pakistani elapid snakes (Bungarus sindanus and Naja naja)

机译:两种医学上重要的巴基斯坦长蛇(Bungarus sindanus和Naja naja)的毒液蛋白质组学表征和相对抗中和作用

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Intra- and interspecific variation in venom composition has been shown to have a major effect upon the efficacy of antivenoms. Due to the absence of domestically produced antivenoms, Pakistan is wholly reliant upon antivenoms produced in other countries, such as India. However, the efficacy of these antivenoms in neutralising the venoms of Pakistani snakes has not been ascertained. This is symptomatic of the general state of toxicological research in this country, which has a myriad of highly toxic and medically important venomous animals. Thus, there is a dire need for knowledge regarding the fundamental proteomics of these venoms and applied knowledge of the relative efficacy of foreign antivenoms. Here we present the results of our proteomic research on two medically important snakes of Pakistan: Bungarus sindanus and Naja naja. Indian Polyvalent Antivenom (Bharat Serums and Vaccines Ltd), which is currently marketed for use in Pakistan, was completely ineffective against either Pakistani species. In addition to the expected pre- and post-synaptic neurotoxic activity, the venom of the Pakistan population of N. naja was shown to be quite divergent from other populations of this species in being potently myotoxic. These results highlight the importance of studying divergent species and isolated populations, where the same data not only elucidates clinical problems in need of immediate attention, but also uncovers sources for novel toxins with potentially useful activities. Biological significance: Pakistan Bungarus sindanus and Naja naja venoms are differentially complex. Naja naja is potently myotoxic. Neither venom is neutralized by Indian antivenom. These results have direct implications for the treatment of envenomed patients in Pakistan. The unusually myotoxic effects of Naja naja demonstrates the value of studying remote populations for biodiscovery.
机译:毒液成分的种内和种间变化已显示对抗蛇毒的功效有重大影响。由于缺乏国产抗蛇毒血清,巴基斯坦完全依赖于印度等其他国家生产的抗蛇毒血清。但是,尚未确定这些抗蛇毒成分在中和巴基斯坦蛇毒中的功效。这是该国毒理学研究一般状态的征兆,该国有无数种剧毒且对医学有重要意义的有毒动物。因此,迫切需要关于这些毒液的基本蛋白质组学的知识以及对外国抗蛇毒血清相对功效的应用知识。在这里,我们介绍了对巴基斯坦的两条医学上重要的蛇:Bungusus sindanus和Naja naja进行蛋白质组学研究的结果。目前在巴基斯坦市场上销售的印度多价抗毒药(巴拉特血清和疫苗有限公司)对这两种巴基斯坦种都完全无效。除了预期的突触前和突触后神经毒活性外,巴基斯坦N. Naja种群的毒液还显示出与该物种其他种群相当强的肌毒性。这些结果凸显了研究不同物种和孤立种群的重要性,其中相同的数据不仅阐明了需要立即关注的临床问题,而且还发现了具有潜在有用活性的新型毒素的来源。生物学意义:巴基斯坦的Bungarus sindanus和Naja naja毒液具有不同的复杂性。眼镜蛇眼镜蛇对肌肉有毒。两种毒液都不会被印度抗蛇毒血清中和。这些结果对巴基斯坦有毒患者的治疗具有直接的意义。眼镜蛇眼镜蛇的异常毒性表现出了研究偏远人群进行生物发现的价值。



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