首页> 外文期刊>Journal of psychopharmacology >Serotonin transporter genotype differentially modulates neural responses to emotional words following tryptophan depletion in patients recovered from depression and healthy volunteers

Serotonin transporter genotype differentially modulates neural responses to emotional words following tryptophan depletion in patients recovered from depression and healthy volunteers


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Previous studies have suggested that polymorphism in the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR) influences responses to serotonergic manipulation, with opposite effects in patients recovered from depression (rMDD) and controls. Here we sought to clarify the neurocognitive mechanisms underpinning these surprising results. Twenty controls and 23 rMDD subjects completed the study; functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and genotype data were available for 17 rMDD subjects and 16 controls. Following tryptophan or sham depletion, subjects performed an emotional-processing task during fMRI. Although no genotype effects on mood were identified, significant genotype* diagnosis*depletion interactions were observed in the hippocampus and subgenual cingulate in response to emotionally valenced words. In both regions, tryptophan depletion increased responses to negative words, relative to positive words, in high-expression controls, previously identified as being at low-risk for mood change following this procedure. By contrast, in higher-risk low-expression controls and high-expression rMDD subjects, tryptophan depletion had the opposite effect. Increased neural responses to negative words following tryptophan depletion may reflect an adaptive mechanism promoting resilience to mood change following perturbation of the serotonin system, which is reversed in sub-groups vulnerable to developing depressive symptoms. However, this interpretation is complicated by our failure to replicate previous findings of increased negative mood following tryptophan depletion.
机译:先前的研究表明,血清素转运蛋白基因(5-HTTLPR)的多态性影响对血清素能操纵的反应,对从抑郁症(rMDD)和对照中康复的患者产生相反的影响。在这里,我们试图阐明支持这些令人惊讶结果的神经认知机制。 20名对照和23名rMDD受试者完成了研究;功能性磁共振成像(fMRI)和基因型数据可用于17名rMDD受试者和16名对照。色氨酸或假手术耗竭后,受试者在功能磁共振成像期间执行情绪处理任务。尽管未发现基因型对情绪的影响,但在情绪化价词的反应中,在海马和亚属扣带回中观察到了显着的基因型*诊断*耗竭相互作用。在这两个区域中,色氨酸耗竭增加了相对于肯定词的消极词的反应,而这些阳性词在先前被确定为在此过程中情绪变化风险较低的高表达对照组中。相比之下,在高风险的低表达对照组和高表达rMDD受试者中,色氨酸耗竭则相反。色氨酸耗竭后,对否定词的神经反应增加可能反映了一种适应性机制,该机制可促进5-羟色胺系统扰动后对情绪变化的适应力,在易产生抑郁症状的亚组中这种情况会逆转。然而,由于我们未能复制色氨酸耗竭后增加的负面情绪的先前发现,使这种解释变得复杂。



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