首页> 外文期刊>Journal of prosthodontics: official journal of the American College of Prosthodontists >Presentation of Two Cases of Immediate Restoration of Implants in the Esthetic Region, Using Facilitate Software and Guides with Stereolithographic Model Surgery Prior to Patient Surgery

Presentation of Two Cases of Immediate Restoration of Implants in the Esthetic Region, Using Facilitate Software and Guides with Stereolithographic Model Surgery Prior to Patient Surgery


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Improvements in both implant microsurfaces and placement techniques have reduced healing time and increased survival rates. CAD/CAM technology and improved ceramic materials allow for achievement of improved esthetics at the implant restoration level. Two clinical procedures have the capacity to decrease patient postoperative discomfort and improve esthetics. Flapless surgery reduces surgical trauma and postoperative problems. Placement of the final prosthetic abutment at the time of implant placement stabilizes soft tissue adhesion and position to the implant. Both results require careful presurgical planning with precise implant and abutment placement. This is a clinical report of two cases that are part of a larger ongoing clinical trial of 20 patients. The inclusion criterion was that patients should be missing a single tooth in the esthetic zone. Facilitate? software was used in conjunction with dicom files transferred from CT scans for diagnosis. Stereolithographic models and surgical guides were fabricated from the digital information. Surgical guides were used preoperatively so implant replicas could be placed in stereolithographic models as simulated surgery. A ZirDesign? ceramic abutment was adapted on the model, and a provisional crown was fabricated. At the time of actual implant surgery, the same surgical guide was used with a flapless approach. The previously modified ceramic abutment was screw-retained and torqued to place into the implant. The provisional crown was then cemented after blocking out the screw access hole. A final restoration was fabricated from all-ceramic material after several months. Success requires careful patient selection and attention to each step of the technique. Preliminary outcomes from the ongoing clinical trial are promising.
机译:植入物微表面和植入技术的改进缩短了愈合时间并提高了存活率。 CAD / CAM技术和改进的陶瓷材料可实现植入物修复水平上的美学改善。两种临床程序具有减轻患者术后不适和改善美学的能力。无瓣手术减少了手术创伤和术后问题。在植入物放置时最终义肢基台的放置稳定了软组织的附着力和对植入物的位置。两种结果都需要仔细的术前计划,并进行精确的种植体和基台放置。这是两个病例的临床报告,属于20例患者正在进行的较大临床试验的一部分。纳入标准是,患者应在美观区域缺一颗牙齿。促进?该软件与从CT扫描传输来的dicom文件结合使用以进行诊断。根据数字信息制作了立体光刻模型和手术指南。术前使用了手术指南,因此可以将植入物副本作为模拟手术放置在立体光刻模型中。 ZirDesign?模型上采用了陶瓷基台,并制造了一个临时牙冠。在实际的植入物手术时,采用无瓣方法使用相同的手术指南。将先前修改过的陶瓷基台拧紧并拧紧以放置到植入物中。然后,在拧紧螺丝孔后,将临时牙冠固结。几个月后,用全陶瓷材料制成了最终修复体。成功需要仔细的患者选择,并注意该技术的每个步骤。正在进行的临床试验的初步结果令人鼓舞。



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