首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Planar Chromatography-Modern TLC: JPC >Development and Validation of a High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatographic Method for the Assay of Ternary Mixtures Containing Cetirizine Dihydrochloride in Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms

Development and Validation of a High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatographic Method for the Assay of Ternary Mixtures Containing Cetirizine Dihydrochloride in Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms


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A highly validated and selective high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) method was developed for the determination of cetirizine dihydrochloride (CET) with pseudoephedrine (PSE) and/or phenylpropanolamine (PPA) and paracetamol (PAR) in their pharmaceutical formulations. The proposed method was based on HPTLC separation of the drugs followed by densitometric measurements of their spots at 257 nm. Separation was carried out on Merck HPTLC aluminum sheets of silica gel 60 F_(254) using methanol-dis-tilled water (9.95:0.05, v/v) as mobile phase. The linear regression analysis data were used for the regression line in the range of 1-4, 3-10, 4-8, and 5-100 mug band for CET, PSE, PPA, and PAR, respectively. The proposed method was validated and successfully applied for the analysis of pharmaceutical formulations and laboratory-prepared mixtures containing the two multicomponent combinations. The method is validated and showed good performances in terms of linearity, sensitivity, precision, accuracy, and stability.
机译:建立了一种经过高度验证和选择性的高效薄层色谱(HPTLC)方法,用于在药物制剂中用伪麻黄碱(PSE)和/或苯丙醇胺(PPA)和对乙酰氨基酚(PAR)测定盐酸西替利嗪(CET)。所提出的方法基于药物的HPTLC分离,然后通过光密度法测量其在257 nm处的斑点。在甲醇60 F_(254)的Merck HPTLC铝片上进行分离,使用甲醇稀释的水(9.95:0.05,v / v)作为流动相。线性回归分析数据分别用于CET,PSE,PPA和PAR的1-4、3-10、4-8和5-100马克杯范围的回归线。所提出的方法已经过验证,并成功地用于分析包含两种多组分组合的药物制剂和实验室制备的混合物。该方法经过验证,在线性,灵敏度,精度,准确性和稳定性方面均表现出良好的性能。



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