首页> 外文期刊>Coastal management >A Deliberate Inclusive Policy (DIP) Approach for Coastal Resources Governance: A Fijian Perspective

A Deliberate Inclusive Policy (DIP) Approach for Coastal Resources Governance: A Fijian Perspective


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The objective of this article is to analyze and identify gaps in Fisheries Act 1942 (Chapter 158, 1991 and 1997 Decree), the policymaking structure and use of policy instruments via a meta-policy approach. It captures the views of other researchers in coastal and marine governance, and offers socioeconomic, ecological, and management suggestions for future fisheries legislations. Fiji’s marine environment is threatened by increased population growth, coastal development, urban pollution and inadequate legislative frameworks to addresses these pressures. The existing Fisheries Act and associated policy frameworks are inadequate to support the conservation, management, and sustainable use of inshore coastal and marine resources. Much of the current policies, in particular the Fisheries Act, are approached from a governmental perspective towards maximizing commercial production with little recognition of addressing and solving conservation and broader environmental problems associated with inshore marine fisheries resources. The most important recommendations that emerges from this review is that any new fisheries legislation must promote streamlined policymaking process, use a mixture of market and non-market-based policy instruments and integrate broad views of other ministries, citizen groups as well as initiatives of local communities. There is strong evidence to give recognition and strengthen customary marine practices such as fishing areas (qoliqoli), while extending community engagement, participation, and awareness to wider sectors involving subsistence users, artisanal, commercial, aquarium, and aquaculture sectors. The article proposes the use of ecosystem-based approach, deliberate inclusive process (DIP) and co-management to policymaking and implementation to help facilitate the measures outlined towards improved coastal governance and conservation of inshore marine resources.



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