首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Plant Physiology >The putative miR172 target gene InAPETALA2-like is involved in the photoperiodic flower induction of Ipomoea nil

The putative miR172 target gene InAPETALA2-like is involved in the photoperiodic flower induction of Ipomoea nil


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The miR172 gene is involved in the regulation of flowering time and floral organ identity in Arabidopsis thaliana through regulation of APETALA2 (AP2)-like genes activity. AP2 plays critical roles in establishing meristem and organ identity during floral development. Additionally, the AP2-like genes including TARGET OF EAT1 (TOE1), TOE2, SMZ, SNZ are involved in the timing of flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana. In our study, a full-length cDNA encoding InAP2-like transcription factor was isolated from cotyledons of morning glory (Ipomoea nil named also Pharbitis nil), a model short day plant. The identified sequence shows significant similarity to the cDNA of TOE1 from Arabidopsis thaliana and contains nucleotides complementary to miR172. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis and in situ hybridization showed that the accumulation of InAP2-like transcripts was high, especially in cotyledons of 5-d-old seedlings. During the 16 h-long inductive night, an increase in the expression of InAP2-like and a decrease in the accumulation of miR172 were observed. Auxin and ethylene treatment, as well as a night-break, which completely eliminated flowering induction of Ipomoea nil, caused a decrease in the InAP2-like mRNAs levels in cotyledons of Ipomoea nil. These results suggest the potential involvement of miR172 and InAP2-like in the mechanism of flowering induction in Ipomoea nil.
机译:miR172基因通过调节APETALA2(AP2)样基因的活性参与拟南芥开花时间和花器官身份的调节。 AP2在花卉发育过程中对建立分生组织和器官特性起着至关重要的作用。另外,包括拟南芥(TARE),TOE2,SMZ,SNZ在内的AP2样基因也参与拟南芥开花的时间。在我们的研究中,从牵牛花的子叶中分离出了一个编码InAP2样转录因子的全长cDNA(番薯叶小种,又名Pharbitis nil),这是一种短日照植物。鉴定出的序列与拟南芥TOE1的cDNA具有显着相似性,并含有与miR172互补的核苷酸。半定量RT-PCR分析和原位杂交表明,InAP2样转录本的积累很高,尤其是在5d龄幼苗的子叶中。在16小时的诱导性夜晚中,观察到InAP2样表达的增加和miR172积累的减少。生长素和乙烯处理,以及彻底消除了番薯叶开花诱导的夜间休息,导致了番薯叶子叶中InAP2样mRNA的水平下降。这些结果表明miR172和InAP2样可能参与了番薯开花诱导的机制。



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