首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Plant Physiology >Taxol((R)) and baccatin III production in suspension cultures of Taxus baccata and Taxus wallichiana in an airlift bioreactor

Taxol((R)) and baccatin III production in suspension cultures of Taxus baccata and Taxus wallichiana in an airlift bioreactor


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Suspension cultures of Taxus baccata var. fastigiata and Taxus wallichiana were grown in a 20-L airlift bioreactor running for 28 days in a batch mode, and their growth rate and capacity to accumulate taxol(R) and baccatin III were measured. T. wallichiana culture showed a greater accumulation of taxol(R) and baccatin III than T. baccata culture (factor of 2.0 and 1.3, respectively) when both Taxus suspension cultures were in the highest productive state (from day 24 to day 28). This difference was mainly due to the higher capacity of T. wallichiana cells to synthesise the taxanes considered; another contributory factor was an increase in biomass in T. wallichiana culture relative to T baccata culture. The highest yields of taxol(R) (21.04 mg L-1) and baccatin III (25.67mg L-1) achieved for T. wallichiana culture exceeded those reported for other Taxus sp. suspension cultures. Approximately 40 % of the taxol(R) and 67% of the baccatin III were released into the extracellular medium.
机译:南方红豆杉的悬浮培养Fastigiata和Taxus wallichiana在20 L气举式生物反应器中以分批模式运行28天,并测量了它们的生长速率和累积紫杉醇和浆果赤霉素III的能力。当两种紫杉悬浮培养物都处于最高生产状态时(从第24天到第28天),壁球菌培养物比紫花苜蓿培养物显示出更多的紫杉醇和浆果赤霉素III的积累(分别为2.0和1.3)。这种差异主要是由于壁球菌的较高能力来合成所考虑的紫杉烷。另一个促成因素是相对于T baccata培养,壁球菌培养物中生物量的增加。 T. wallichiana培养物获得的最高紫杉醇(21.04 mg L-1)和浆果赤霉素III(25.67mg L-1)的产量超过了其他Taxus sp。悬浮培养。大约40%的紫杉醇和67%的浆果赤霉素III被释放到细胞外培养基中。



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