首页> 外文期刊>Journal of pharmacological sciences. >Advanced research on dopamine signaling to develop drugs for the treatment of mental disorders: Ser311Cys polymorphisms of the dopamine D2-receptor gene and schizophrenia.

Advanced research on dopamine signaling to develop drugs for the treatment of mental disorders: Ser311Cys polymorphisms of the dopamine D2-receptor gene and schizophrenia.


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Schizophrenia is a debilitating and complex mental disorder with a prevalence of approximately 1% worldwide. The etiology remains unclear, despite massive research efforts. Hyperactive dopaminergic signal transduction in the central nervous system is suggested to be involved in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia (the dopamine hypothesis). The dopamine D(2)-receptor (DRD2) gene is thus a promising candidate for associations with risk of schizophrenia. We investigated DRD2 and found a novel missense nucleotide change causing an amino acid substitution of serine with cysteine at codon 311 (Ser311Cys). We performed an association study using 156 schizophrenia patients and 300 controls. Cys311 in DRD2 was significantly associated with schizophrenia. Patients with the Cys311 allele displayed shorter duration of hospitalization and less severe negative symptoms and were more frequently married compared to patients without this allele, suggesting good response to treatment. We expanded samples to 291 patients with schizophrenia (including 11 postmortem brain samples), 579 controls, and 78 patients with affective disorders in a further case-control study. Cys311 was associated with schizophrenia, particularly in patients without negative symptoms, and bipolar disorder with mood-incongruent psychotic symptoms. Three meta-analyses using over 20 published studies confirmed the association. In vitro studies showed that Cys311-type D(2) receptor impairs dopamine-induced sequestration, which appears to be consistent with the dopamine hypothesis.
机译:精神分裂症是一种使人衰弱和复杂的精神障碍,全世界的患病率约为1%。尽管进行了大量研究,但病因仍不清楚。中枢神经系统中的多巴胺能信号转导过高被认为与精神分裂症的病理生理有关(多巴胺假说)。因此,多巴胺D(2)-受体(DRD2)基因是与精神分裂症风险相关的有前途的候选人。我们研究了DRD2,发现了一个新的错义核苷酸变化,导致第311位密码子(Ser311Cys)上的丝氨酸被半胱氨酸取代。我们使用156位精神分裂症患者和300位对照进行了一项关联研究。 DRD2中的Cys311与精神分裂症显着相关。与没有此等位基因的患者相比,具有Cys311等位基因的患者住院时间更短,负面症状更少,并且结婚频率更高,表明对治疗的反应良好。在进一步的病例对照研究中,我们将样本扩展至291例精神分裂症患者(包括11个死后脑样本),579例对照和78例情感障碍患者。 Cys311与精神分裂症有关,尤其是在没有负面症状的患者中,以及患有情绪不一致的精神病症状的躁郁症患者。使用20多项已发表的研究进行的三项荟萃分析证实了这一关联。体外研究表明,Cys311型D(2)受体损害多巴胺诱导的螯合,这似乎与多巴胺假说相符。



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