首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Parasitology Research >Intestinal Schistosomiasis among Primary Schoolchildren in Two On-Shore Communities in Rorya District, Northwestern Tanzania: Prevalence, Intensity of Infection and Associated Risk Factors

Intestinal Schistosomiasis among Primary Schoolchildren in Two On-Shore Communities in Rorya District, Northwestern Tanzania: Prevalence, Intensity of Infection and Associated Risk Factors


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In Tanzania, Schistosoma mansoni is of great public health importance. Understanding the prevalence and infection intensity is important for targeted, evidence-based control strategies. This study aimed at studying the prevalence, intensity, and riskfactors of S. mansoni among schoolchildren in the study area. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Busanga and Kibuyi villages. Sampled 513 schoolchildren provided stool specimens which were examined using kato-katz method. Pretested questionnaire was used to collect sociodemographic data and associated risk factors. The prevalence of S. mansoni infection was 84.01%, with geometric mean egg intensity of167.13 (95% CI: 147.19-189.79) eggs per gram of stool (epg). Other parasites detected were Ascarislumbricoides (1.4%) and hookworms (1.4%). The geometric mean infection intensity in Busanga and Kibuyi were 203.70 (95% CI: 169.67-244.56) and 135.98 (95% CI: 114.33-161.73) epg, respectively. Light, moderate, and heavy infection intensities were 34.11%, 39.91%, and 25.99%, respectively. Village of residence, parents level of education, toilet use, and treatment history were predictors of infection. The high prevalence and infection intensity in this study were associated with village, parent s level of education, inconsistent toilet use, and treatment history. To control the disease among at-risk groups, these factors need to be considered in designing integrated schistosomiasis control interventions.
机译:在坦桑尼亚,曼氏血吸虫具有重要的公共卫生意义。了解发病率和感染强度对于有针对性的循证控制策略很重要。这项研究旨在研究研究地区学龄儿童曼氏沙门氏菌的患病率,强度和危险因素。在Busanga和Kibuyi村庄进行了横断面研究。样本的513名学童提供了粪便标本,并使用kato-katz方法进行了检查。预测试问卷用于收集社会人口统计学数据和相关的危险因素。曼氏链球菌感染的患病率为84.01%,几何平均卵强度为每克粪便(epg)167.13个鸡蛋(95%CI:147.19-189.79个)。检出的其他寄生虫是A虫(1.4%)和钩虫(1.4%)。 Busanga和Kibuyi的几何平均感染强度分别为203.70(95%CI:169.67-244.56)和135.98(95%CI:114.33-161.73)epg。轻度,中度和重度感染强度分别为34.11%,39.91%和25.99%。居住村庄,父母的受教育程度,上厕所的习惯和治疗史是感染的预测因素。这项研究中的高患病率和感染强度与村庄,父母的受教育程度,厕所使用情况不一致以及治疗史有关。为了控制高危人群的疾病,在设计综合血吸虫病控制干预措施时需要考虑这些因素。



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