首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Physics, D. Applied Physics: A Europhysics Journal >Floating potential of spherical probes and dust grains in collisional plasmas

Floating potential of spherical probes and dust grains in collisional plasmas


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Numerical results of the floating potential of an isolated spherical dust grain or spherical Langmuir probe immersed in an electropositive or electronegative collisional plasma are presented. The positive ions are assumed to be cold so that the ion motion is radial; the electrons and negative ions are Maxwellian. Collisions between the positive ions and neutrals are modelled by a constant mobility. Curves of floating potential (in absolute magnitude) to electron temperature against dust (Langmuir probe) radius to electron Debye length are obtained over a wide range of collisionality and electronegativity. It is found that if there are sufficient collisions in the sheath the floating potential and surface charge are increased. Also, the floating potential increases with decreasing negative ion to electron density and temperature ratios. For typical conditions used in dusty plasma research, collisions are expected to be important for micron-sized dust grains for pressures greater than about 6 Pa in argon. [References: 31]
机译:给出了浸没在正电或负电碰撞等离子体中的球形球形尘粒或球形Langmuir探针的漂浮势的数值结果。假定正离子是冷离子,因此离子运动是径向的。电子和负离子是麦克斯韦。正离子和中性离子之间的碰撞是通过恒定迁移率建模的。在宽范围的碰撞性和电负性范围内,获得了浮动电位(绝对量级)相对于电子温度相对于粉尘(Langmuir探针)半径相对于电子德拜长度的曲线。已经发现,如果护套中有足够的碰撞,则浮置电势和表面电荷会增加。而且,浮动电位随着负离子与电子密度和温度比的降低而增加。对于粉尘等离子体研究中使用的典型条件,对于氩气中大于6 Pa的压力,碰撞对于微米级粉尘颗粒而言很重要。 [参考:31]



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