首页> 外文期刊>Journal of physics, A. Mathematical and theoretical >On strong-coupling correlation functions of circular Wilson loops and local operators

On strong-coupling correlation functions of circular Wilson loops and local operators


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Motivated by the problem of understanding 3-point correlation functions of gauge-invariant operators in N = 4 super YangMills theory we consider correlators involving Wilson loops and a light operator with fixed quantum numbers. At leading order in the strong-coupling expansion such correlators are given by the light vertex operator evaluated on a semiclassical stringworld surface ending on the corresponding loops at the boundary of AdS_5 × S_5. We study in detail the example of a correlator of two concentric circular Wilson loops and a dilaton vertex operator. The resulting expression is given by an integral of combinations of elliptic functions and can be computed analytically in some special limits.We also consider a generalization of the minimal surface ending on two circles to the case of non-zero angular momentum J in S~5 and discuss a special limit when one of the Wilson loops is effectively replaced by a heavy operator with charge J.
机译:出于理解N = 4超级YangMills理论中规范不变算子的三点相关函数的问题,我们考虑了涉及Wilson环的相关子和具有固定量子数的轻算子。在强耦合展开中处于领先地位,此类相关器由轻顶点运算符给出,该运算符在半经典的stringworld表面上评估,该表面终止于AdS_5×S_5边界处的相应环上。我们详细研究了两个同心圆Wilson环和dilaton顶点算子的相关器的示例。结果表达式由椭圆函数组合的积分给出,并且可以在某些特殊限制下进行分析计算。我们还考虑了以S〜5为非零角动量J的情况下以两个圆结束的最小曲面的推广。并讨论当威尔逊循环之一被荷重为J的沉重运算符有效替换时的特殊限制。



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