首页> 外文期刊>Journal of physics, A. Mathematical and theoretical >Generalized coherent states for time-dependent and nonlinear Hamiltonian operators via complex Riccati equations

Generalized coherent states for time-dependent and nonlinear Hamiltonian operators via complex Riccati equations


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Based on the Gaussian wave packet solution for the harmonic oscillator and the corresponding creation and annihilation operators, a generalization is presented that also applies for wave packets with time-dependent width as they occur for systems with different initial conditions, time-dependent frequency or in contact with a dissipative environment. In all these cases, the corresponding coherent states, position and momentum uncertainties and quantum mechanical energy contributions can be obtained in the same form if the creation and annihilation operators are expressed in terms of a complex variable that fulfils a nonlinear Riccati equation which determines the time-evolution of the wave packet width. The solutions of this Riccati equation depend on the physical system under consideration and on the (complex) initial conditions and have close formal similarities with general superpotentials leading to isospectral potentials in supersymmetric quantum mechanics. The definition of the generalized creation and annihilation operator is also in agreement with a factorization of the operator corresponding to the Ermakov invariant that exists in all cases considered.
机译:基于谐波振荡器的高斯波包解决方案以及相应的创建和an灭算符,提出了一种概括,该概括也适用于具有随时间变化的宽度的波包,因为它们出现在具有不同初始条件,随时间变化的频率或与耗散的环境接触。在所有这些情况下,如果创建和an灭算子表示为满足确定时间的非线性Riccati方程的复变量,则可以以相同的形式获得相应的相干状态,位置和动量不确定性以及量子机械能贡献。 -波包宽度的演变。 Riccati方程的解取决于所考虑的物理系统和(复杂的)初始条件,并且与一般的超电势具有紧密的形式相似性,从而导致超对称量子力学中的等光谱电势。广义创建和an灭算子的定义也与在所有考虑的情况下都存在的对应于Ermakov不变量的算子的因式分解一致。



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