首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Physics, A. Mathematical and General: A Europhysics Journal >Classification of bicovariant differential calculi on the Jordanian quantum groups GL(h,g)(2) and SLh(2) and quantum Lie algebras

Classification of bicovariant differential calculi on the Jordanian quantum groups GL(h,g)(2) and SLh(2) and quantum Lie algebras


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Assuming that the bicovariant bimodules are generated as left modules by the differentials of the quantum group generators we classify all four-dimensional first-order bicovariant calculi on the Jordanian quantum group GL(h.g)(2) and all three-dimensional first-order bicovariant calculi on the Jordanian quantum group SLh(2). It is found that there are three one-parameter families of four-dimensional bicovariant first-order calculi on GLh.g(2) and that there is a single, unique, three-dimensional bicovariant calculus on SLh(2). This three-dimensional calculus may be obtained through a classical-like reduction from any one of the three families of four-dimensional calculi on GL(h.g)(2). Details of the higher order calculi and also the quantum Lie algebras are presented for all calculi. The quantum Lie algebra obtained from the bicovariant calculus on SLh (2) is shown to be isomorphic to the quantum Lie algebra we obtain as an ad-submodule within the Jordanian universal enveloping algebra U-h(sl(2)(C)) and also through a consideration of the decomposition of the tensor product of two copies of the deformed adjoint module. We also obtain the quantum Killing form for this quantum lie algebra. [References: 54]
机译:假设通过量子组生成器的微分将双协变双模作为左模生成,我们将约旦量子组GL(hg)(2)上的所有四维一阶双协方计算和所有三维一阶双协方分类约旦量子群SLh(2)上的计算。发现在GLh.g(2)上存在三个一维四维双协一阶计算的单参数族,而在SLh(2)上存在一个唯一的三维双变量微积分。可以通过从GL(h.g)(2)上的三个四维计算的任何一个家族中的任何一个类的经典约简来获得此三维演算。给出了所有计算的高阶计算的细节以及量子李代数。从SLh(2)上的双协变演算获得的量子李代数与我们作为约旦通用包络代数Uh(sl(2)(C))中的ad-子模块获得的量子李代数是同构的考虑变形的伴随模块的两个副本的张量积的分解。我们还获得了该量子李代数的量子杀死形式。 [参考:54]



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