首页> 外文期刊>Journal of pest science >The estimation of pesticide exposure in depression scores: in case of Korean orchard farmers.

The estimation of pesticide exposure in depression scores: in case of Korean orchard farmers.


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We investigated the cases of depression in farmers associated with pesticide exposure. The group of farmers numbered 82, mostly living in the Western region of South Korea (43 male cases, mean age 51.1+or-9.1 years, 39 female cases, mean age 49.4+or-9.1 years). We traced the residential effect on two groups living inside of the orchard compared to those outside, the duration of farming, and the yearly frequency of pesticide spraying. The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2-Depression (MMPI-D) scale were employed as the vehicle in measuring depression. No difference was traced in the residential effect, in terms of the BDI (11.9+or-8.6 vs. 11.4+or-7.2, p=0.38) and the MMPI1-D (52.9+or-8.9 vs. 53.2+or-8.1, p=0.44) scales. The MMPI-D score showed a positive correlation with alcohol drinking (p<0.05), the years of farming (p<0.01), history of intoxication (p<0.01), yearly frequency of pesticide spraying (p<0.05), and the BDI score (p<0.05). In conclusion, personal exposure to pesticide spraying was presumed to be associated with the development of depression in farmers.
机译:我们调查了与农药接触有关的农民抑郁症病例。共有82名农民,其中大多数居住在韩国西部地区(男性43例,平均年龄51.1+或-9.1岁,女性39例,平均年龄49.4+或-9.1岁)。我们追踪了果园内两组与外部组相比的居住效果,耕作时间和每年喷洒农药的频率。贝克抑郁量表(BDI)和明尼苏达州多相人格量表2-抑郁量表(MMPI-D)量表被用作测量抑郁的手段。在BDI(11.9+或-8.6与11.4+或-7.2, p = 0.38)和MMPI1-D(52.9+或-8.9)方面,居住效应没有差异。 vs. 53.2 + or-8.1, p = 0.44)。 MMPI-D评分与饮酒( p <0.05),耕种年限( p <0.01)和中毒史( p <0.01),每年喷洒农药的次数( p <0.05)和BDI得分( p <0.05)。总之,个人接触农药喷洒被认为与农民抑郁症的发展有关。



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