首页> 外文期刊>Journal of personality and social psychology >If He Can Do It, So Can They: Exposure to Counterstereotypically Successful Exemplars Prompts Automatic Inferences

If He Can Do It, So Can They: Exposure to Counterstereotypically Successful Exemplars Prompts Automatic Inferences


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After incidental exposure to Blacks who succeeded in counterstereotypical domains (e.g., Brown University President Ruth Simmons, Nobel Laureate Toni Morrison), participants drew an automatic inference that race was not a success-inhibiting factor in modern society. Of note, participants' automatic inferences were not simply guided by their explicit reasoning (i.e., their beliefs about what these exemplars signify about the state of race relations). Studies l-3 demonstrated the basic automatic inference effect and provided evidence that such effects unfolded automatically, without intention or awareness. Study 4 replicated the effect in non-race-related domains. Subsequent studies examined what features of exemplars (Studies 5 and 6) and inference makers (Studies 7 and 8) prompt automatic inferences. Study 5 suggested that counterstereotypically successful exemplars prompt racism-denying inferences because they signal what is possible, even if not typical. Study 6 demonstrated that when these exemplars succeed in a stereotypical domain (e.g., Blacks in athletics), similar automatic inferences are not drawn. Those most likely to draw automatic inferences are people predisposed to approach the world with inferential thinking: participants dispositionally high in need for cognition (Study 7) or experimentally primed to think inferentially (Study 8).
机译:在偶然接触了在反刻板印象领域取得成功的黑人之后(例如布朗大学校长露丝·西蒙斯(Ruth Simmons),诺贝尔奖获得者托尼·莫里森),参与者得出一个自动的推断,即种族并不是现代社会成功的阻碍因素。值得注意的是,参与者的自动推论不仅仅由他们的明确推理(即他们对这些示例代表种族关系状态的信念)指导。研究1-3展示了基本的自动推理作用,并提供了证据,表明这种作用在没有意图或意识的情况下自动展开。研究4在与种族无关的领域中复制了该效应。随后的研究检查了示例(研究5和6)和推理者(研究7和8)的哪些特征提示自动推理。研究5建议,反刻板的成功范例会提示否认种族主义的推论,因为它们暗示了可能的结果,即使不是典型的情况。研究6证明,当这些范例在定型领域(例如竞技中的黑人)成功时,不会得出类似的自动推论。那些最有可能得出自动推论的人是倾向于以推论思维来接近世界的人:参与者对认知的需求很高(研究7),或者在实验上倾向于推理(第8研究)。



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