首页> 外文期刊>Journal of perinatology: Official journal of the California Perinatal Association >Considerations in the management of hypoxemic respiratory failure and persistent pulmonary hypertension in term and late preterm neonates

Considerations in the management of hypoxemic respiratory failure and persistent pulmonary hypertension in term and late preterm neonates


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Recent advances in our understanding of neonatal pulmonary circulation and the underlying pathophysiology of hypoxemic respiratory failure (HRF)/persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) have resulted in more effective management strategies. Results from animal studies demonstrate that low alveolar oxygen tension (PAO(2)) causes hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, whereas an increase in oxygen tension to normoxic levels (preductal arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) between 60 and 80 mm Hg and/or preductal peripheral capillary oxygen saturation between 90% and 97%) results in effective pulmonary vasodilation. Hyperoxia (preductal PaO2 480 mm Hg) does not cause further pulmonary vasodilation, and oxygen toxicity may occur when high concentrations of inspired oxygen are used. It is therefore important to avoid both hypoxemia and hyperoxemia in the management of PPHN. In addition to oxygen supplementation, therapeutic strategies used to manage HRF/PPHN in term and late preterm neonates may include lung recruitment with optimal mean airway pressure and surfactant, inhaled and intravenous vasodilators and 'inodilators'. Clinical evidence suggests that administration of surfactant or inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) therapy at a lower acuity of illness can decrease the risk of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation/death, progression of HRF and duration of hospital stay. Milrinone may be beneficial as an inodilator and may have specific benefits following prolonged exposure to iNO plus oxygen owing to inhibition of phosphodiesterase (PDE)-3A. Additionally, sildenafil, and, in selected cases, hydrocortisone may be appropriate options after hyperoxia and oxidative stress owing to their effects on PDE-5 activity and expression. Continued investigation into these and other interventions is needed to optimize treatment and improve outcomes.
机译:我们对新生儿肺循环和低氧血症性呼吸衰竭(HRF)/新生儿持续性肺动脉高压(PPHN)的潜在病理生理学的最新进展已导致更有效的管理策略。动物研究的结果表明,低肺泡氧张力(PAO(2))会导致缺氧性肺血管收缩,而氧张力升高至常氧水平(血氧前动脉分压(PaO2)在60至80毫米汞柱之间和/或外周毛细血管血氧饱和度在90%到97%之间)可导致有效的肺血管扩张。高氧血症(先天性PaO2 480毫米汞柱)不会引起进一步的肺血管扩张,当使用高浓度的吸入氧气时可能会发生氧气中毒。因此,重要的是在PPHN的管理中避免低氧血症和高氧血症。除补充氧气外,足月和晚期早产儿用于治疗HRF / PPHN的治疗策略可能包括以最佳平均气道压力和表面活性剂进行肺部募集,吸入和静脉内血管扩张剂和“扩张剂”。临床证据表明,以较低的疾病敏锐度给予表面活性剂或吸入一氧化氮(iNO)治疗可降低体外膜氧合/死亡,HRF进展和住院时间的风险。米力农可能是有益的扩张剂,由于抑制磷酸二酯酶(PDE)-3A,长时间暴露于iNO加氧后可能具有特定的益处。此外,由于高氧和氧化应激对PDE-5活性和表达的影响,西地那非以及某些情况下的氢化可的松可能是合适的选择。需要对这些和其他干预措施进行持续调查,以优化治疗方法并改善疗效。



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