首页> 外文期刊>Journal of pharmaceutical sciences. >Direct drug loading into preformed porous solid dosage units by the controlled particle deposition (CPD), a new concept for improved dissolution using SCF-technology.

Direct drug loading into preformed porous solid dosage units by the controlled particle deposition (CPD), a new concept for improved dissolution using SCF-technology.


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The controlled particle deposition (CPD), a supercritical fluid precipitation process, is used to load porous tablets with ibuprofen to improve drug dissolution. Porous tablets (porosity 44.3 +/- 5.5%), consisting of microcrystalline cellulose pellets and hydroxyethylcellulose, or sugar cubes (porosity 37.2 +/- 0.5%), are used as carrier material. Loading experiments are conducted at 313 K and 25 MPa, drug concentrations between 6.25 and 33.3 mg ibuprofen/mL supercritical carbon dioxide and contact times of 15.5 h or 5 min. The resulting products have drug contents of 3-5 g ibuprofen/mL void volume in the carrier. Comparison of a predicted value, calculated from pore volume and loading concentration to the actual drug concentrations yielded by the loading process demonstrates the efficiency and controllability of the process. The mean particle size d(50) of deposited ibuprofen is around 25 microm, half the size of the starting material. Drug dissolution from loaded carriers is significantly increased by a rise in the dissolution coefficient from 0.07 min(-1) for the starting material to 0.13 or 0.14 min(-1) for the CPD products. The CPD method therefore is presented as a feasible and controllable process to load porous solid dosage forms with drug particles in order to improve dissolution.
机译:受控颗粒沉积(CPD)是一种超临界流体沉淀工艺,用于向布洛芬片剂中装载布洛芬,以改善药物溶出度。由微晶纤维素颗粒和羟乙基纤维素组成的多孔片剂(孔隙率44.3 +/- 5.5%)或方糖(孔隙率37.2 +/- 0.5%)用作载体材料。负载实验在313 K和25 MPa下进行,药物浓度在6.25和33.3 mg布洛芬/ mL超临界二氧化碳之间,接触时间为15.5 h或5分钟。所得产物在载体中的药物含量为3-5 g布洛芬/ mL空隙体积。由孔体积和负载浓度计算的预测值与加载过程产生的实际药物浓度的比较表明了该过程的效率和可控性。沉积的布洛芬的平均粒径d(50)约为25微米,仅为起始原料的一半。从加载的载体中溶出的药物会通过将溶出系数从起始材料的0.07 min(-1)升高到CPD产品的0.13或0.14 min(-1)而大大增加。因此,CPD方法是一种可行且可控的方法,可在多孔固体剂型中加载药物颗粒以改善溶出度。



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