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Month Early Career Award: From Pediatric Ninjutsu to Pediatric Psychology


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I would love to start this article by saying that I was born to be a pediatric psychologist, that I knew from infancy this is what I wanted to do, and that this is all I have ever dreamed of. Of course we all know that this is untrue or at least greatly exaggerated. Truthfully, my childhood career aspirations included being a ninja, an astronaut, or the pilot of a fighter jet that turned into a robot (this was so I could protect the planet from alien invaders who were 30 feet tall). This all changed in the fall of 1981. At 6 years of age, 1 spent 2 weeks in the pediatric intensive care unit at Stanford Hospital, admitted for diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA, or "Dead Kid Already" as they called it on the unit). My recollection of the education provided to me at the time was as follows: (1) you can never eat sugar again, (2) you have to take one shot a day for the rest of your life, and (3) there was no chance ever of being a pilot or astronaut because "diabetics can't fly planes" (remember this was 1981). So at the tender age of 6, having been recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, my desired career choices were quickly narrowing (aside from being a ninja of course). I needed a new profession.
机译:在开始本文时,我想说我是一名儿科心理学家,从婴儿时代就知道这是我想要做的,这就是我梦dream以求的事情。当然,我们都知道这是不正确的,或者至少被大大夸大了。说实话,我童年的职业志向包括成为忍者,宇航员,或者是变成了机器人的战斗机飞行员(这样做是为了保护地球免受30英尺高的外来入侵者的侵害)。一切都在1981年秋天发生了变化。在6岁的时候,有1人在斯坦福医院的儿科重症监护病房度过了2周的时间,因糖尿病性酮症酸中毒(DKA,或称“已经死亡的孩子”,在病房里称呼它)而入院。 。关于当时提供给我的教育,我的回忆如下:(1)您再也不能吃糖了;(2)在您的余生中,您每天必须吃一枪;(3)没有因为“糖尿病患者不能驾驶飞机”而成为飞行员或宇航员的机会(记住这是1981年)。因此,在刚刚被确诊患有1型糖尿病的6岁那年,我想要的职业选择迅速缩小(除了成为忍者之外)。我需要一个新的职业。



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