首页> 外文期刊>Journal of pediatric nursing >Engaging fathers in behavioral parent training: listening to fathers' voices.

Engaging fathers in behavioral parent training: listening to fathers' voices.


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This is a qualitative study documenting the experiences of fathers who participated in the Helping Our Toddlers, Developing Our Children's Skills (HOT DOCS) behavioral parent training (BPT) series and later agreed to participate in a focus group. Focus groups methodology was used to capture the voices and perspectives of fathers regarding the benefits and barriers to their participation in BPT. The focus group interviews were conducted in both English and in Spanish, with three cohorts of male caregivers who were participants in HOT DOCS from 2006 to 2008. An analysis of their responses coded from transcripts of the focus groups identified five major themes, which are discussed as (a) motivational factors for joining BPT, (b) fathers' experiences with BPT, (c) barriers regarding fathers' participation, (d) changes in parenting as a result of BPT, and (e) perceived changes in children's behavior as a result of BPT. In addition, recommendations for improvement of BPT are presented. This research may be helpful in improving efforts to engage male caregivers in BPT and thereby reduce children's challenging behavior problems and improve program outcomes.
机译:这是一项定性研究,记录了参加“帮助我们的小孩,发展我们的孩子的技能”(HOT DOCS)行为父母培训(BPT)系列的父亲的经历,后来同意参加一个焦点小组。焦点小组方法被用来捕捉父亲关于参加BPT的好处和障碍的声音和观点。焦点小组访谈以英语和西班牙语进行,对2006年至2008年参加HOT DOCS的三名男性护理人员进行了访谈。根据焦点小组的笔录对他们的回答进行编码分析,确定了五个主要主题,并进行了讨论。作为(a)加入BPT的动机因素,(b)父亲对BPT的经历,(c)父亲参与的障碍,(d)BPT导致的父母养育方式的改变以及(e)子女的行为改变为BPT的结果。另外,提出了改进BPT的建议。这项研究可能有助于改善使男性看护者参与BPT的工作,从而减少儿童的挑战性行为问题并改善计划结果。



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